Counselling centres for older people and relatives

Are you an older person or a person in need of care looking for support? Would you like advice as a relative or carer? These centres can help.


Services offered by the advice centres

Old age, housing, illness, care, cognitive impairments and finances are the main topics covered by the advice centres. They

Advice centres for special target groups

  • Counselling for people with hearing impairments:
    At the Sozialbürgerhaus Laim - Schwanthalerhöhe there is a specialist home care centre for people with hearing impairments. It is responsible for the entire city of Munich and works closely with the social services for the deaf.
  • Counselling for people with dementia:
    The Alzheimer Gesellschaft München e.V. offers people with dementia and their relatives a wide range of counselling and support services for dealing with dementia (such as Alzheimer's disease) and provides information, knowledge transfer opportunities and activity groups.
  • Counselling for older people with mental illnesses:
    There are four geriatric psychiatry services in Munich that can be used as counselling facilities for older people (aged 60 and over) and their relatives.
  • Counselling for older migrants:
    Diakonie München und Oberbayern e. V.'s specialist service for older migrants offers counselling and support to people with a migration background and their relatives. In individual cases, an interpreter can also be organised free of charge for a consultation at the advice centres listed on this page and at the ASZ.
  • Counselling for older people in the LGBTIQ* community:
    The counselling and networking centre rosaAlter supports lesbian, bisexual, gay, trans* and inter* senior citizens seeking advice and represents the interests of the target groups.
  • Counselling for members of the Jewish Community
    The counselling centre of the Jewish Community (IKG) offers support to older members of the community and their relatives seeking advice.

Information in various languages

Related services

Home visits by occupational therapists - THEA mobil

If you suffer from a chronic illness and need occupational therapy but find it too difficult to go to a practice, you can arrange a home visit.

Assistance for the elderly: subsidies for travel costs, telephone, home emergency call

The elderly care service supports senior citizens with travel allowances, telephone assistance and home emergency call systems.

Advice from the Munich counselling associations

If you have any questions about legal guardianship and pension provision, Munich's guardianship associations can advise you locally, free of charge and confidentially.

Household help

Help for people who need support from others to continue household chores or physical activities.

Old people's and service centres (ASZ)

The centres for the elderly and service centres offer local advice and practical help for older people and their relatives.

Notarisation of a care directive

If you want to specify who should take over legal care for you if necessary, you need a care directive, which we can notarise on request.

Grant for the purchase of a computer for senior citizens

If you are a senior citizen and have bought a laptop, computer or tablet, the City of Munich will support your purchase with a grant.

Notarisation of a health care proxy

If you want to delegate the management of your legal affairs to someone else, you need a power of attorney, which we can notarise on request.

Munich Care Exchange

Whether inpatient care, short-term care, day care, outpatient care or care at home - the Munich Care Exchange helps you to find suitable offers.

Preventive home visits for older people

Preventive home visits are intended to help recognise emergency and dangerous situations among older people at an early stage.