Identity documents, data management and everything to do with registration and re-registration after the move.
All information for tenants: Munich rental market, subsidies for low-income tenants, rental advice.
Buying or building - what you need to know about building a house, buying real estate, renting and property tax.
Are you planning building work? Information and advice on energy-efficient refurbishment, barrier-free conversion and maintenance.
Electricity, water, waste water, waste, internet: Municipal infrastructure services at a glance.
German citizens are required to have a valid identity card (or passport) as soon as they reach the age of 16.
Anyone travelling outside the European Union needs a passport.
If you move to Munich, you must register as soon as possible - even if you are re-registering within the city. The law stipulates 14 days.
If you are or were registered in Munich, you can apply for a written or electronic registration certificate from us.
If you need a subsidised flat in Munich, you must submit an application. You can then search for a flat via the SOWON internet platform.
The Munich Model offers affordable housing for middle-income households (initial rent from around 12 euros per square metre). An application must be submitted for this.