Electricity, water, waste water, waste, internet: Municipal infrastructure services at a glance.
From electricity and water supply to broadcasting and internet to chimney sweeps: your basic supply at a glance
Keeping Munich safe and clean: everything about waste disposal, recycling centers, street cleaning and winter services
Where does Munich's wastewater end up? Wastewater disposal, drainage and water treatment at a glance.
The brown organic waste bin is for organic waste. Only the house owner or the responsible house management can register or re-register organic waste bins.
Bulky waste includes disused household items that do not fit into a 120-litre residual waste bin after reasonable shredding.
Owners of properties located outside the Mittlerer Ring and the core area of Pasing must take care of leaf removal themselves.
Have you been notified that you can collect a lost property item? Then you must make an appointment to collect it.
If you have found something that is worth more than ten euros, you must hand it in at a lost property office.