Economy and business

Munich as a business location: Services relating to the establishment and management of companies.

Wirtschaftsförderung München

All information about Munich as a location and offers for companies, founders and investors can be found on our website

Information for companies in Munich

  • Business start-up

    Would you like to set up a company or become self-employed? Everything you need to know to get started.

  • Corporate management

    Regulations, funding, taxes, personnel, property - information for anyone running a business in Munich.

  • Location Munich

    Top infrastructure, active network, innovative research - discover Munich as a business location!

Häufig gesuchte Leistungen

  • Business registration

    If you carry out commercial activities, you must register these with the trade authority.

  • Business re-registration

    If the location or type of your business changes or you expand your business to include additional goods or services, a change of registration is required.

  • Business deregistration

    If you cease your commercial activity, give up a business premises or move your business to another municipality, you must inform us.

  • Trade tax

    If you run a commercial business in Munich, it is subject to trade tax.

  • Advice on setting up a business and self-employment

    If you would like to become self-employed as your main or secondary occupation or set up your own company, we will be happy to support you.

  • Opening of a branch in Munich

    Are you planning to set up a branch office? We provide basic information to foreign companies planning to set up a branch office in Munich.

Top articles for business and industry

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Über das MBQ

Das MBQ ist das Arbeitsmarktprogramm der Stadt München. Ziel ist die berufliche und soziale Integration von Menschen in den Arbeitsmarkt und Fachkräftesicherung.