Notification of start of work on site drainage
If you wish to carry out work on property drainage systems, the company carrying out the work must notify the municipal drainage department before starting construction.
Notification of work is required so that the field service staff (inspection supervisors) are aware of a construction project. With the notification, the companies carrying out the work are informed of which inspector is in charge of the construction site and who they can contact to obtain approval of the leak test they are to carry out. Such an inspection also provides the client with confirmation from an independent body that the tested pipe sections are leak-proof.
Which work on which parts of the system must be registered? In principle, work on parts of the system that require authorisation must be registered:
- Underground pipes and shafts.
- Pipes in or under the floor slab.
- Pipes below the backflow level (generally the top edge of the road at the connection to the municipal sewer).
- Installation of wastewater treatment systems (such as separators).
Work that must be notified:
- New construction, modification or renovation.
- Pressure tests/proof of tightness that have been requested in authorisation notices or in letters from Münchner Stadtentwässerung.
- Pressure tests for commercially used properties.
- General inspections of wastewater treatment plants.
What needs to be considered when it comes to rainwater? The same requirements apply to rainwater pipes connected to the municipal sewage system as for wastewater pipes (see above). It is also essential to observe the rules for handling rainwater.
The following points must be observed when constructing infiltration systems:
- If the infiltration is subject to authorisation, a water law permit for infiltration must be obtained before work begins. Conditions and instructions must be observed.
- If areas from which rainwater was previously channelled into the municipal sewer are separated from the sewer, this work must be registered so that the rainwater charges can be recalculated (reduced). In addition, a ground plan must be submitted showing the infiltration systems and the disconnected pipes labelled accordingly.
Münchner Stadtentwässerung first checks whether the notified work is authorised. Only the feedback from the responsible team leader authorises the start of work.
- Work must be notified at least 24 hours before the start of work. In the case of excavations on public land ( construction of a connecting sewer), a special use permit must be obtained in advance. The work notification must be submitted at least 5 working days in advance!
- To use the online form, a one-off registration with our construction supervision department is required (registration form PDF). Upon registration, an MSE-4 company number is provided, which must be entered in the online form. Registration is not a so-called authorisation; there is no examination of professional suitability. It merely serves to permanently simplify the process of work commencement notification.
- Construction or modification of a drainage system:Approved drainage plans must be available.
- Renovation of existing systems: If rainwater is discharged into the sewer, it must first be checked whether the rainwater can be separated from the sewer and infiltrated (or otherwise utilised) on the property.
- Construction of infiltration systems: If the infiltration is subject to authorisation, a water law permit for infiltration must be obtained before work begins. Conditions and instructions must be observed.
- Excavations in public ground: The necessary authorisations have been obtained. Detailed information here: Construction of connecting sewer
Required documents
- For excavations in public ground: See production of connection sewer
- For general inspection: Proof of expertise
Questions & Answers
proof of expertise must be presented for general inspections. Otherwise, the following applies: work on property drainage systems may be carried out by anyone who has the necessary expertise and equipment to lay or renovate drainage pipes. A so-called authorisation of companies is not required in the area of the City of Munich. Accordingly, there is no list of authorised companies.
information on our website: Finding companies for planning, construction and renovation
you can view as-built plans and order copies from our plan management and information centre.
In the course of a construction project, there may be interventions in the groundwater for which a permit under water law is required. The Department of Climate and Environment is responsible for this.
As a rule, pumped groundwater must be infiltrated. If infiltration is not possible and groundwater has to be temporarily discharged into the municipal sewer, coordination takes place via the Munich Municipal Drainage Fees Office:
you can apply for a temporary sewer connection for sanitary containers.
the permanent or temporary sealing (construction pit protection) of sewer connections is carried out by Münchner Stadtentwässerung. Further information here: Closure of sewer connections.
if it is necessary to enter the public sewer, permission must be obtained in advance: Entering the municipal sewer