In its social community centre, older people and their relatives receive advice on issues relating to home and nursing care as well as financial assistance.
Persons in need who have permanently left the labour market due to old age or permanent full reduction in earning capacity can apply for basic income support.
The Munich Pass offers Munich citizens on low incomes a wide range of discounts in the areas of education, health/sports, culture/art, MVV public transport and transport to and from Munich
Informationen zur Anpassung der Wohnung an die veränderten Anforderungen und Bedürfnisse älterer und behinderter Menschen, die zu Hause wohnen bleiben möchten.
With a living will, you specify in advance which treatment and life-sustaining measures you would like to receive from the doctors treating you in an emergency.
If you have any questions about legal guardianship and pension provision, Munich's guardianship associations can advise you locally, free of charge and confidentially.