Diseases and accidents

What to do in an emergency? Everything you need to know about health care, diagnosis, assessment and treatment.

Topics and life situations

Services and offers

  • Living will

    With a living will, you specify in advance which treatment and life-sustaining measures you would like to receive from the doctors treating you in an emergency.

  • Medical rehabilitation

    If you would like to apply for medical rehabilitation, you can make an appointment in person.

  • Medication assistance

    Munich pharmacies have agreed to provide prescription-free medication to Munich residents in need at a reduced price.

  • Advice from the patient representative

    The patient representative takes up questions, concerns, problems, but also praise from patients in Munich and provides information about counselling and complaints offices.

  • Medical certificate for carrying narcotics

    If you are carrying medically necessary anaesthetics with you when travelling, you can have your medical certificates or attestations authenticated.

Official medical examinations

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