Sales stand, mobile trade for fruit, flowers, chestnuts, roasted nuts
Anyone wishing to sell fruit, vegetables, tropical fruit, flowers, chestnuts or roasted nuts on the street requires a special use permit for the stand.
Anyone who wants to sell fruit, vegetables, tropical fruit, flowers, chestnuts or roasted nuts on the street needs a special use permit for the stand.
The most important requirements:
- The stand location is suitable (for example, a width of at least 1.60 metres must remain free on the pavement).
- You do not offer any other goods at your stand.
- the activity at the stall is your main source of income (except for chestnuts, nuts, almonds).
- You carry out the sale personally (or with sales assistants).
- In principle, you are obliged to remove the sales equipment from the public area every day after the end of sales.
- Upon request, it can be checked whether the sales trolley may remain at the stand outside opening hours. This does not apply to temporary stands and stands located in the area covered by the Old Town Pedestrian Zone Statutes. An additional flat-rate fee is charged for these.
The relevant district committee and the regional association of market traders and showmen are also involved in the decision on stall locations.
There is a so-called rotation system for the fruit, vegetable and tropical fruit stalls, where the stall location must be changed every week. There are 27 stands in the Munich city centre area, which are allocated to eligible applicants on a weekly rotation basis. The first 27 traders on the list of all applicants are authorised. These form a so-called rotation community. If someone drops out, the next person can move up. The waiting period is several years.
Anyone wishing to apply as a successor to an existing, permanent sales location can apply to the State Association of Market Traders and Showmen to be included in a waiting list (does not apply to the rotation system).
Required documents
For a permanent stand:
- Application to the Bavarian State Association of Market Traders and Showmen (form is available there)
- Travelling trade licence (copy)
- scaled plan
For the list of the travelling trade association:
- Application to the Central District Inspectorate (form available there)
Legal basis
Bavarian Road and Paths Act
Special utilisation guidelines of the City of Munich
Special utilisation fee statutes