Pick up lost property

Have you been notified that you can collect a lost property item? Then you must make an appointment to collect it.


Have you lost or found something and been notified?
You must make an appointment online to collect lost property (with a notification letter). Please bring the notification letter with you. Information on bicycles: see below.

Otherwise, please use these services:

You would like to view lost property Have you lost something that cannot be attributed to a specific person? You can report the loss or view the lost property by appointment.

Keys can be viewed without an appointment on the ground floor, Implerstraße 11. Information on lost keys can be found here in the "Questions and answers" section.

You would like to view or collect lost bicycles Your bicycle has disappeared and you would like to see if it has been handed in to the Fud office? You can find more information on viewing and collection dates here.

You were the finder of a bike and have been notified After the retention period has expired, you can collect the bike from us as the finder. You can find more information and the link to make an appointment online here.

If a lost property contains the name and address of the owner or if the name and address can be determined, we will notify you automatically.

Otherwise you can report your loss by telephone, in writing or online.

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport
  • Collection by a third party is possible with ID, written authorisation and a copy of the ID of the person granting the authorisation.
  • Minors require written authorisation from a parent or legal guardian
  • For lost mobile phones: Proof of ownership or notification letter from the mobile phone provider

Duration & Costs


See overview "Reimbursement of costs" (available for download)

Payment methods available

Questions & Answers

It usually takes three to five working days, sometimes even several weeks or months, for a lost property item to be handed in to the lost property office.

We regularly receive lost property from

  • 17 Munich police stations: Delivery daily (bicycles only on Tuesdays)
  • municipal swimming pools (only valuables) and department stores: delivery about once a month
  • Taxis and others deliver on a case-by-case basis

The Munich lost property office records the SIM card number and forwards it to the card provider. The card provider notifies the customer of the lost property if the customer data record is still available. You must block your mobile phone card yourself.

The following information is required on collection and can be found on the original packaging or purchase receipt:

  • SIM card: Provider and number
  • Mobile phone: Make, model and IMEI device number (if the SIM card is no longer in the mobile phone or has been replaced)
  • If you have received this, please bring the notification letter from your card provider with you when you collect your mobile phone.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to view found mobile phones.

Identity documents:

  • Foreign official documents (e.g. passports and driving licences) of persons not registered in Munich are sent to the embassies of the respective countries via the Federal Office of Administration in Cologne.
  • Bank cards and ID cards of non-Munich residents are sent directly to the respective financial institution or issuing authority.
  • Lost ID cards registered in Munich will be notified in writing. You should wait about four weeks before applying for a new ID card. If you have already applied for a new ID card, you must return the old one to the issuing authority immediately.
  • Spectacles: Bring the spectacle pass from your optician with you, this could make identification easier. Please also have the make, shape and material of the spectacle frame ready.
  • Keys: Please bring a comparison/second key for comparison. If ownership is in doubt, we will only hand over the key/key ring against payment of an additional deposit of 50 euros. The deposit will be refunded upon return of the key/key ring or proof of ownership.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to send digital data carriers (e.g. smartphones, laptops) abroad due to a general shipping ban on lithium-ion batteries. These are categorised as dangerous goods.

On request, we only ship lost property outside Munich and outside the Munich S-Bahn area. In addition, the costs must be reimbursed before dispatch; the standard conditions of Deutsche Post apply. Collection by a courier is possible if we have a written authorisation, our costs have been reimbursed and we do not incur any further costs as a result. Please do not send us any stamps, cash or cheques. Payment is only possible by cashless bank transfer.

If an item has been stolen, you must report it to the police immediately. Reporting the theft to the police is a mandatory prerequisite for returning a bicycle to the loser and for claiming insurance benefits. If the item turns out not to be stolen, you must withdraw the report. EC, credit and mobile phone cards should be blocked immediately.

Do I have to pay a finder's fee?

If the finder claims the item, you must pay a finder's fee.

  • Up to a value of 500 euros, the finder's fee is five per cent of the value. If the item is worth more than 500 euros, the finder's fee is 3 per cent. Example calculation: Value of the item: 800 euros, 5 per cent up to 500 euros=25 euros 3 per cent for the remaining 300 euros=9 euros makes a total finder's fee of 34 euros.
  • If the finder has incurred expenses as a result of the find and claims these, you must also reimburse these.
  • Different regulations apply to items found in business premises or means of transport belonging to public authorities and transport companies. In this case, the finder only receives half of the statutory finder's fee for items worth at least 50 euros.

Lost property is usually kept for three months . Lost property that is subject to retention of title is kept for six months. Low-value lost property worth less than ten euros is kept for a maximum of four weeks.

After the collection period has expired, these lost property items become the property of the City of Munich, provided the finder has not asserted any rights. They are then auctioned off, destroyed or donated to social causes. Of course, data protection will be taken into account.

Keys can be viewed without an appointment on the ground floor, Implerstraße 11. Information on lost keys can be found here.

Legal basis

§§ Sections 965 to 984 of the German Civil Code ( BGB )

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung III
Gewerbeangelegenheiten und Verbraucherschutz


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung III
Gewerbeangelegenheiten und Verbraucherschutz

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-45905


Implerstraße 11
81371 München

By appointment only


  • Available:Barrier-free access
  • Not available:Disabled parking

Related services

View and collect a lost bike

Has your bike gone missing and would you like to see if it has been handed in to the lost property office? Then you need to make an appointment to view it.

Report loss - view lost property

If you have lost something, it may take a few days before it is handed in. You can report the loss or view the lost property.

Pick up your bike as a finder

Uncollected bicycles can be collected by the finder. You must arrange a collection date for this.

Auction of lost property

The lost property office organises public auctions of unclaimed lost property. The auctions are held online.

Hand in lost property

If you have found something that is worth more than ten euros, you must hand it in at a lost property office.