Birth certificate - newborns

The birth of your child must be notarised at the birth office of your registry office.


The birth of your child must be notarised at the registry office - birth office. To do this, first order your child's birth certificate online.

  • For births in a clinic:
    If your child is born in Munich in a clinic, midwife's practice or birth centre, they will automatically take over the written notification of the birth ("birth notification") to the registry office. You can usually hand in your documents (certificates, passports, naming and other documents) at the clinic and then order the birth certificates online.
  • For births at home:
    If your child was born at home in Munich, you must register the birth yourself at the birth office in the registry office within one week. Please contact us via our contact form. A birth certificate from the midwife or doctor must be submitted as proof of the birth.

How to apply for a birth certificate:

  • Online order: You can order online using our online service. We will then send you the certificates by post. We will automatically enclose the three free birth certificates for your applications for child benefit, maternity benefit from the health insurance fund and parental benefit with the first order.
  • Subsequent copies of the birth certificate: If you require additional birth certificates at a later date, please contact the certificate office at the registry office or order the certificates using the online service.

There are two registry offices in Munich. Which registry office is responsible for notarisation depends on the district in which your child was born. The clinics usually provide parents with an information sheet containing all the information about the notarisation procedure. For the Helios-Klinikum München-West, the Frauenklinik München-West (Krüsmannklinik) and for home births in the districts of Pasing-Obermenzing, Aubing-Lochhausen-Langwied and Allach-Untermenzing, the birth office in the Munich-Pasing registry office in Pasing town hall is responsible; for all other districts, the birth office in the Munich registry office is responsible.

Required documents

  • The documents for notarisation can be submitted to the registry office after the birth of the child at the earliest.
  • Binding declaration on the naming of the child, filled in completely and clearly, without deletions and signed by the mother/parents.
  • Valid identity card, passport or travel document of the mother/parents.
  • Birth certificate, if applicable also multilingual or copy/printout (certified) from the birth register of the mother/parents.
  • If applicable, the naturalisation certificate of the mother/parents.

If the parents are married to each other, the registry office requires

  • Documentary evidence of the marriage and the name used in the marriage. This may include the marriage certificate, a copy/printout (certified) from the marriage register or a certified copy from the family register kept as a marriage entry.

If the parents are not married to each other, the registry office requires

  • Unmarried mother: If applicable, documentary evidence of the acknowledgement of paternity/declaration of custody already submitted.
    • If the father is to be entered in the birth register, a legally valid acknowledgement of paternity (with the mother's declaration of consent) is required. The documents required for recording an acknowledgement of paternity will be clarified with you in advance by telephone, email or contact form. We will arrange an appointment with you as soon as the registry office - birth office has all the documents required to record an acknowledgement of paternity.
    • paternity acknowledgements are also possible at the youth welfare office and before a notary.
    • Do you have sole custody of your child and want the child to be given the father's surname? Then make an appointment for the declaration for the granting of a name. Please also use our contact form for this purpose.
    • The youth welfare office or a notary is responsible for submitting a declaration of custody.
  • Divorced mother: Documentary evidence of the marriage, the divorce and the current name. This may include the marriage certificate, a copy/printout (certified) from the marriage register or a certified copy from the family register continued as a marriage entry, in each case with a divorce note or with a legally binding divorce judgement, if applicable with recognition of the foreign divorce in matrimonial matters and, if applicable, a certified copy of the acknowledgement of paternity/declaration of custody already submitted (see above).
  • Widowed mother: Documentary evidence of the marriage, dissolution and current name. This may include the marriage certificate, a copy/printout (certified) from the marriage register or a certified copy from the family register continued as a marriage entry, in each case with a note of dissolution or with a death certificate, if applicable a certified copy of the acknowledgement of paternity/declaration of custody already submitted (see above).

If you require further documents for the birth certificate, we will contact you. You can then send us the missing documents by post or using the contact form.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

At the registry office in Munich, processing currently takes about 3 weeks once the complete documents are available.


The birth certificate costs 12 euros per copy.
You will receive three certificates free of charge: Parental allowance, child benefit, maternity benefit at the registry office.

Payment methods available

Questions & Answers

German civil status documents (e.g. entries in the family register, certificates of descent, family register transcripts and others) issued before 31 December 2008 are still valid and conclusive.

Please use our contact form.

Foreign-language documents must be translated in international form or together with a translation by a publicly appointed and sworn translator.

In individual cases it may be necessary to submit these subsequently.

In individual cases, it may be necessary to submit additional documents.

Related services

Initial equipment during pregnancy

Financial support for the necessary maternity clothing, i.e. maternity dress or maternity trousers and nursing bra

Change in the birth register

If the data on your birth certificate is incorrect, you can request the necessary change in the birth register here.

Time of birth

If you were born in Munich, you have the option of enquiring about your time of birth with us.

Counselling on pregnancy and birth

Until your child's 3rd birthday, we will advise you on all aspects of pregnancy and birth, prenatal diagnostics and possible disabilities.

Birth certificate - adults and children aged 3 months and over

You can order civil status certificates from the registry offices online. The certificates are sent by post, even abroad.

Birth certificate - Birth abroad

If German citizens were born abroad, they can have the birth certified at the relevant registry office in Germany.