Christmas tree sale

Anyone wishing to sell Christmas trees on public streets and squares and in municipal green spaces requires a licence for the sales area.


Sales period:
From the Saturday before the first Advent until 24 December (Christmas Eve) of the same calendar year

Shops may be open at the following times in accordance with the Shop Closing Hours Act:

  • Monday to Saturday: 6 am to 8 pm
  • 24.December: 6 am to 2 pm
  • On Sundays before 24 December only on request from 1 pm to 5 pm, permission is granted by the responsible district inspectorate

You can apply to the district inspectorate of the district in which you wish to sell Christmas trees.


  • Scaled plan for new stands; for existing stands, indication of the square metres used with details of length and width as well as details of additional set-up and dismantling days.
  • The sales area is suitable for Christmas tree sales. The responsible district inspectorate will check this in co-operation with the responsible authorities.
  • They do not offer any other goods, keep the sales area in a clean and tidy condition and avoid disturbing residents, traffic, the area used and its planting.
  • A price tag must be attached to each tree. If the prices for each type and variety of tree are displayed on an easily recognisable board according to height, individual price tags may be dispensed with; in this case, however, a measuring stick must be provided.

Required documents

  • Identity card or passport
  • Travelling trade licence, if already available (if not available, an application for an exemption from the obligation to hold a travelling trade licence can be submitted to the competent district inspectorate)
  • Authorisation notices from previous years, if available

Duration & Costs

Processing time

Up to eight weeks for a new sales location if a decision by the district committee is required.


On public land:

  • Administration fee: from 30 euros
  • Special usage fee for up to 50 square metres for the sales period: 64 euros
  • per additional ten square metres or part thereof for the sales period: 9 euros
  • additional fee for the use of the area outside the sales period for set-up and dismantling times: 10 euros per day

In municipal public green spaces:

  • Administration fee: from 30 euros
  • User fee for every 50 square metres or part thereof for the sales period: 47 euros

Other fees:

  • for an exemption from the travelling trade licence requirement: 55 euros
  • for an additional Sunday sales permit for the Sundays before 24 December: 50 euros

Payment methods available

Legal basis

Shop Closure Act
Bavarian Road and Highway Act
Road Traffic Regulations
Special utilisation guidelines of the City of Munich
Special utilisation fee statutes of the City of Munich
Green space statutes of the City of Munich
Green space fee statutes of the City of Munich
Trade regulations

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