Register or deregister food businesses

If you run a food business that does not require a trade licence, you can register or deregister it online here or inform us of any changes.


All food businesses are obliged to register their establishments with the authority responsible for monitoring. Food businesses are all businesses that carry out activities related to the production, processing and distribution of food (not: live animals and plants before harvesting).

  • If you have a current business registration as a food business, you do not need to provide any further information
  • If a food business has several business premises, each business must be reported separately
  • In the event of changes, you should report this within one month of the changes.


Who must register?

  • new establishments not yet known to the authority and/or not yet registered
  • establishments already registered, if an update of the data is necessary
  • Operators of non-stationary facilities (vending carts, showmen or similar businesses are registered according to the local jurisdiction of the commercial headquarters (e.g. place of business registration).

When do you have to register?

  • when registering a new food business
  • when a food business closes down
  • in the event of significant changes, such as
    Change in the personal or address details of the food business operator
  • Change of name or address of the business
  • Change in the type of business/activity
  • Change in the product range

Required documents

  • Name and address of the business premises and, if applicable, other business premises
  • Personal and contact details of the responsible food business operator
  • Type of business/activity (general description, e.g. farm shop, kindergarten)
  • Information on the product range (product groups)
  • Information on the previous use of the business premises

Questions & Answers

Yes, please use the PDF form below and send it to the contact address provided.

Legal basis

Regulation (EC) No 852/2004

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung III
Gewerbeangelegenheiten und Verbraucherschutz


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung III
Gewerbeangelegenheiten und Verbraucherschutz

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München


Implerstraße 11
81371 München

Related services

Food control

The food monitoring department of the district administration department inspects businesses in the city of Munich that produce, store and sell food.

Apply for a restaurant licence

Pubs and restaurants as well as accommodation establishments require a pub licence if alcoholic beverages are served.

Authorisation of food businesses

If you run a food business and require an EU authorisation, you will find the relevant information here.

Setting up gaming machines

If you want to set up gaming machines with the possibility of winning, you need a commercial licence and confirmation of the suitability of the installation site.

Initial instruction for commercial handling of foodstuffs

Before you work in a kitchen or communal catering or otherwise have professional contact with food, you must receive instruction.

Open a snack bar

If you want to open a mobile snack bar and operate it at different locations, you need a travelling trade licence.

Smoking ban in restaurants and discos - control

Smoking is prohibited in public authorities, children's, youth, cultural and leisure facilities, sports facilities, beer, wine and festival tents as well as in indoor areas of restaurants.

Locking periods

The statutory closing time applies to all restaurants. In individual cases, the district administration department may authorise a different regulation.

Apply for an outdoor bar area

If you have a catering business, you can apply for a free bar area.