Information on sewer connection options
If you require information on connection options for property drainage systems to the municipal sewer, you can request it here.
Connection points of property drainage systems to the municipal sewer are determined by Münchner Stadtentwässerung. You can obtain the technical form here. This includes
- Information on the possibility of connecting to the municipal sewer,
- Information on the property with regard to the unauthorised infiltration of rainwater (suspected contaminated site, water protection area) and
- Specifications for rainwater management on the property.
The technical form is required for the preparation of drainage plans, which must be submitted to the city drainage department for approval before construction begins: Site drainage plan approval
For developed properties: Please check whether existing manholes and the connecting sewer can continue to be used using the as-built plans before submitting the request. If technically possible, at least the inlet section of the sewer that is already in use should be reused.
- Connections that are no longer required must be closed.
- Rainwater must be managed on your own property!
Required documents
site plan of the property with building project and details of the district and parcel number
Questions & Answers
the connection point to the municipal sewer is specified by the MSE development office in the so-called technical form.
the connection sewer (the wastewater pipe from the property to the municipal sewer) is part of the private drainage system in Munich. Construction and maintenance are the responsibility of the property owner. Further information on the construction of connecting sewers, including excavation authorisation, can be found here: Construction of connecting sewers.
in principle, each property should be connected to the municipal sewer separately and without any connection to the neighbouring properties. If you are planning a joint connection with pipe routing via neighbouring properties (e.g. a joint connection for two semi-detached houses or a collective sewer in the access route for terraced houses), you are responsible for clarifying this under civil law with the respective property owners.
you do not currently require any connection points to the municipal sewer, but only information on the location of the sewer in the vicinity of your building project? You can also use the online form to request a free cadastral extract (PDF). The processing time is approx. 3 days.
yes, temporary connections are possible, for example for construction site facilities or sanitary facilities for street festivals. A technical form is not required for this. Further information can be found here: Temporary sewer connections
Legal basis
if a municipal sewer is available, there is a right and obligation to use it. The exact provisions can be found in § 4 (right of connection and use) and § 5 (obligation to connect and use) of the drainage statutes (EWS).
Erschließungsbüro MSE 421
Friedenstraße 40
81671 München