Residence permit - Study

You are not from an EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland and would like to study in Munich? Then you need a residence permit.


A residence permit for the purpose of studying requires that you have been admitted to a full-time course of study at a state university, a state-recognised university or a comparable educational institution.

If you would like to study at a private university, please contact the university to find out whether the university/your degree programme is state-recognised.

The residence permit for the purpose of studying also covers preparatory measures such as attending a preparatory language course or a preparatory college as well as completing a compulsory internship. However, the prerequisite for preparatory study programmes is that you have a place for full-time study at the relevant educational institution. Information on doctoral studies.

Please note that in other cases of study preparation, conditional admission to study or part-time study, the granting of a residence permit for the purpose of study is at the discretion of the Foreigners Office.

Period of validity The residence permit for the purpose of studying is generally issued for three years and can be extended. If the course of study lasts less than three years, the residence permit will only be issued for the duration of the course.

Employment opportunities With a residence permit for study purposes, you can work for a maximum of 140 days or 280 half days per year. This also applies to part-time student jobs. Further information on "Working during your studies".

Entry You must apply for a visa at the relevant German diplomatic mission before entering Germany.

Citizens of Andorra, Australia, Brazil, El Salvador, Honduras, Israel, Japan, Canada, Monaco, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, San Marino, the United Kingdom or the USA can also enter Germany without a visa and apply for a residence permit before starting their studies.

After entering Germany, you must first register your residence in Munich at the Citizens Office.

Apply for a residence permit:

You must apply for a residence permit to study before your visa/residence permit expires. If you can enter the country without a visa for this purpose, you must apply for a residence permit at the Foreigners Office within 90 days of entering the country.

Please submit the application form and the required documents online or by post. After submitting your online application. After submitting your online application, you can download a completed document as a PDF for your records. We will confirm your application in this document.


  • You have a school-leaving certificate with university entrance qualification or a recognised university degree (general university entrance qualification).
  • You have been admitted to study at a university or higher education institution (conditional university admission or certificate of enrolment) or to a preparatory college in Germany.
  • Your livelihood is secured for the duration of your studies.

Required documents

  • Fully completed application form
  • Valid passport or passport replacement
  • A recent biometric passport photo
  • Valid visa to enter the country for the purpose of study, if required
  • Only for minors: Consent of the person authorised to take care of them (informal)
  • Proof of health insurance (insurance card) from a statutory health insurance company. Those with private health insurance must check the type and scope of their health insurance. The insurance must be valid for at least one year. Traveller's health insurance is not sufficient.
  • Proof of sufficient means of subsistence:
    • Blocked account from a German bank for at least 11,904 euros (when first issued) or
    • a declaration of commitment or
    • a scholarship certificate or
    • a notarised declaration from the parents that they will cover the cost of living for the duration of the degree course, with proof of the parents' income for the last three months
  • For the extension from the 4th semester onwards: Proof of the examination results achieved so far
  • For an extension if the standard period of study has been exceeded: certificate from the university confirming proper study, prospects of success and expected duration until graduation
  • For a change of purpose and/or university: certificate of de-registration from the old degree programme and enrolment in the new degree programme
    Further information on the subject of "Change of university/specialisation".

Further documents may be required in individual cases.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

10-12 weeks


  • First licence: 100 Euro
  • Extension for three months: 96 Euro
  • Extension for more than three months: 93 euros
  • In the case of a scholarship from German public funds, a German foundation or a programme financed with EU funds: no fees

Up to the age of 18, you only pay half of the fees.

Questions & Answers

You can obtain information from your university, from the university in the other EU member state, from the diplomatic mission of the country you wish to enter or online from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

If your stay abroad does not fall under the mobility regulations of the REST Directive, you must remember to come to the Foreigners Office in good time to apply for a longer period of temporary departure from Germany (re-entry certificate).

Then you can also benefit from the advantages of the REST Directive. To do so, you need a European residence permit for studying under the REST Directive and must be taking part in a Union or multilateral programme with mobility measures in Munich, or in an exchange programme for which an agreement between two or more higher education institutions applies.

For more information, please contact your university, one of the universities in Munich or the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.

If you already have a European residence permit for studying under the REST Directive (up to 360 days), you do not need to go to the Foreigners Office in Munich. It is sufficient to register your place of residence at the Citizens Office. You will receive proof (mobility certificate) that you are authorised to stay in Germany with the European residence permit from your university abroad.

Legal basis

  • § Section 16b (1) AufenthG
  • § Section 16b (3) AufenthG
  • Art. 31 REST Directive

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten Ausländerangelegenheiten


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten Ausländerangelegenheiten

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-45460


Ruppertstraße 19
80337 München

Lagehinweis: Eingang C

Only with appointment

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Residence permit – education or further training

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Residence permit - Voluntary service

If you would like to take part in a national or European voluntary service programme in Munich, please note the following information.

Residence permit - Working Holiday or Youth Mobility Programme

If you want to explore Germany for up to a year and finance part of your stay through work, please note the following information.

Residence permit – school attendance and exchange

If you would like to attend a school or participate in a student exchange in Munich, you will need a residence permit.

Cancellation of the blocked account

If you wish to cancel your blocked account, you can apply for cancellation here.