Mediation in conflicts in the city of Munich

The Office for Community Mediation (SteG) mediates conflicts in the neighbourhood, in daycare centres and schools as well as in voluntary work and social projects.


News:SteG is currently looking for honorary conflict managers

You have a dispute in the areas of

  • Neighbourhood,
  • Living environment,
  • School,
  • Child day care,
  • Civic engagement or
  • social project.

A mediation team will help you and the other parties to the conflict to re-engage in dialogue and find a solution that suits everyone and is fair. Discussions are offered (scope according to need or conflict situation), which are moderated by trained mediators. Just call or e-mail.

They are prepared to make peace with the conflicting party and talk to them. They meet online or close to home on neutral ground. The service is free of charge.


Resident in Munich, conflict in the areas of neighbourhood, living environment, school, day care, civic engagement, social project.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

1 to 2 weeks


Free of charge

Questions & Answers

Can I also enquire if someone else has the conflict?
Yes, we also advise people who are not involved or organisations that advise people in conflict situations or support them in other ways.

What else is on offer?
We also offer training courses and workshops in the areas of conflict and conflict prevention, de-escalation and dialogue techniques, although these cost a small amount.

Can larger groups also receive support?
Yes, house communities, building groups, owners' associations, co-operatives and communal living arrangements can also receive support with conflicts.

When is mediation not suitable?
When conflicts have escalated too much/ there is a lack of willingness to negotiate, under the influence of alcohol/drugs/violence, with some mental illnesses, if other (e.g. legal) steps have already been taken.

Is mediation also suitable for children or very old people, people with disabilities or illnesses, people who do not speak German?
In principle, mediation is possible for all people. An assessment is made on a case-by-case basis; if necessary, the framework conditions are adapted (e.g. use of language services, barrier-free rooms, simple language, adaptation of methods)

Do mediators receive money for their services?
Yes, but only a small expense allowance.

What training do the mediators have?
All mediators have at least 200 hours of training in accordance with the standards of the German Mediation Association and are certified (regular supervision, further and advanced training, professional exchange).
Landeshauptstadt München

Stabsstelle für Bürgerschaftliches Engagement und Konfliktmanagement (BEK)

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Stabsstelle für Bürgerschaftliches Engagement und Konfliktmanagement (BEK)

Franziskanerstraße 8
81669 München

Fax: +49 89 233-40699


Franziskanerstraße 8
81669 München

Monday to Thursday: 9 am to 3 pm


  • Available:Barrier-free access
  • Not available:Disabled parking

Hilfen für sehbehinderte und gehörlose oder schwerhörige Menschen werden bei Bedarf gestellt.

Related services

Complaint about a restaurant

Would you like to complain about a restaurant? Then please use our online service.

Claim for damages against the City of Munich

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Atonement and conciliation office

The Atonement and Conciliation Office is a recognised conciliation body. It conducts out-of-court arbitration proceedings.

Report incorrect prices

If you have the feeling that someone has labelled their goods incorrectly or overcharged for their services, you can report this to us.

Feedback for the district administration department

Whether you were satisfied with our service, were pleased with the prompt assistance or have suggestions for improvement - we look forward to your feedback.

Feedback on discrimination

If you have been discriminated against in or by the KVR, you can report the incident using our online form. Your concern will be examined confidentially.