Initial information on marriage with a foreign connection
If one of the future spouses has a foreign connection and wishes to marry in Germany or abroad, different individual documents are required.
If you want to get married in Germany or need a certificate of no impediment to marriage for a marriage abroad and one of the partners has a foreign connection, the documents you need to submit can vary greatly. This is why you need a personalised application.
Before you can get married, you must register your marriage at the relevant registry office. This procedure checks whether all requirements are met or whether there are any obstacles to marriage. You must prove your "eligibility to marry" with various documents.
Both future spouses must be of legal age and legally competent. They must not be too closely related and must not be living in an existing marriage or registered civil partnership.
If you do not have German citizenship, the marriage requirements according to the laws of your home country must also be observed.
Births, marriages or divorces abroad may be registered with different authorities than in Germany.
Foreign divorce decrees may not be recognised in Germany without further ado because the procedures in the various countries can be very different.
All of this must be taken into account by the registry office where you want to get married.
A so-called marriage with a foreign connection exists if one of the future spouses
- has a foreign nationality
- was not born in Germany or was adopted abroad
- has entered into a previous marriage/ civil partnership abroad
- a previous marriage/ civil partnership was divorced abroad
The laws of the home country or the country in which the birth, marriage, civil partnership or divorce took place must then be observed. It is also taken into account which documents can be obtained from the respective country.
Required documents
We ask for your understanding that due to the large number of cases with an international dimension, it is not possible to provide advice by telephone. Please use our contact form to obtain binding information on the required documents. If you require a certificate of no impediment to marriage, live abroad and your last place of residence was Munich, please select Munich or Pasing in the quick check question "Place of residence". Then please enter your current address.
If you have problems with the contact form or do not understand the content, you can alternatively book an appointment for a fee-based personal consultation. Please enter your registration address below. You will find the link to book an appointment online under the contact details of the relevant registry office.
Questions & Answers
Can I obtain the information from any registry office in Munich?No. The registry offices in Munich and Munich-Pasing have separate districts. The jurisdiction for marriage registration depends on your place of residence.
Only the Munich-Pasing registry office is responsible for Munich districts 21 (Pasing - Obermenzing), 22 (Aubing - Lochhausen - Langwied) and 23 (Allach - Untermenzing).
For all other districts, only the Munich registry office is responsible.
Legal basis
§§ Sections 12, 13, 39 of the Civil Status Act