Household help

Help for people who need support from others to continue household chores or physical activities.


District social work or the specialised care service determine the need for home support services.

If help is needed to continue running the household, employees of the district social work department .

determine the necessary needs as part of a home visit. In the case of people who require physical measures or care measures in addition to assistance in maintaining the household, the needs are determined during a home visit by the employees of the specialised care service.

Special contact points

Domestic support services are a type of assistance for people who need help with running their household or physical or care-related measures and therefore require help from others. These benefits are granted under Chapter 9 in accordance with Sections 70 and 71 SGB XII.


Support is possible for people

  • who do not yet have care level 2 or higher or
  • Need help of the kind described above and cannot pay for this
  • Cannot pay for this help from their own resources.

Persons who are entitled to benefits in accordance with Chapter 3 or 4 of SGB XII or who have a low income for which a personal contribution has been calculated on the basis of an income limit calculation in accordance with Section 85 of SGB XII can receive benefits as assistance in other life situations, provided that the other requirements under social welfare law are met.

Required documents

  • Identity card/passport
  • Tenancy agreement
  • Pension certificate, proof of wages or salary if applicable
  • Proof of health/nursing care insurance
  • Bank statements
  • Savings books

Duration & Costs


free of charge

Questions & Answers

The assistance can be provided by a private individual. It is also possible for an outpatient service to take over the care. You can contact

advice centres.

In order for an outpatient service to provide home support services to citizens without a care degree or with care degree 1, it requires a service and remuneration agreement concluded with the City of Munich in accordance with §§ 75 ff. of SGB XII. If you have any questions, please contact the Sozialbürgerhaus.

  • Please submit applications to your local Sozialbürgerhaus.
  • Homeless people and people who receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act should contact the Office for Housing and Migration.
  • Deaf and hearing-impaired people from all over the city can make an appointment with the Social Services for the Deaf.
  • People who have a care level 2 or higher and require assistance in the form of home support services should contact the district of Upper Bavaria directly, as they are then entitled to benefits as part of care assistance in accordance with §§ 61 ff. SGB XII.

Legal basis

§§ Sections 70, 71 of the Social Code (SGB XII)

Related services

Suggestion of legal support

If an adult can no longer manage their own affairs due to a mental illness or disability, you can apply for guardianship.

Grant for the purchase of a computer for senior citizens

If you are a senior citizen and have bought a laptop, computer or tablet, the City of Munich will support your purchase with a grant.

Subsidy for meals on wheels/ social lunches

Anyone who is unable to do their shopping or prepare a hot meal can apply for a subsidy for meals on wheels or the social lunch programme.

Notarisation of a care directive

If you want to specify who should take over legal care for you if necessary, you need a care directive, which we can notarise on request.

Preventive home visits for older people

Preventive home visits are intended to help recognise emergency and dangerous situations among older people at an early stage.

Assistance in senior living facilities

If you need to move to an assisted living facility for health reasons, the Social Security Office can help you.

Munich Care Exchange

Whether inpatient care, short-term care, day care, outpatient care or care at home - the Munich Care Exchange helps you to find suitable offers.

Counselling for problems in geriatric care

The complaints office advises people in need of care, relatives, legal carers, acquaintances and carers on issues relating to care for the elderly.

Counselling centres for older people and relatives

Are you an older person or a person in need of care looking for support? Would you like advice as a relative or carer? These centres can help.

Assistance for the elderly: subsidies for travel costs, telephone, home emergency call

The elderly care service supports senior citizens with travel allowances, telephone assistance and home emergency call systems.