Apply for a hunting licence

With a hunting licence, you are allowed to hunt and purchase hunting weapons in Germany. In addition, you always require the authorisation of the respective hunting ground owner.


When applying for a hunting licence for the first time, you must visit us in person. Please call us beforehand or send us an e-mail so that we can check your hunting licence in advance.

To renew your hunting licence, you can also send an authorised representative, who must be able to identify themselves with an identity card or passport, to us with a power of attorney.

You must appear in person when you collect your hunting licence. Minors may collect their hunting licence themselves, as it will only be issued if the legal representative has given their consent.

Loss of the hunting licence
If you have lost your hunting licence, you must notify us immediately. If the lost hunting licence has already expired, you must apply for a new one. If it is still valid, you can apply for a duplicate.


Anyone applying for a hunting licence must fulfil certain requirements:

  • Reliability
  • physical aptitude
  • passed hunting examination (German or equivalent examination)
  • Proof of hunting liability insurance (at least 500,000 euros for personal injury and at least 50,000 euros for property damage)

Youth hunting licence
Young people aged 16 and over can obtain a youth hunting licence if they meet the requirements for a hunting licence and also submit a written declaration of assumption of liability and consent from one or both legal representatives.

A young person may not take part in social hunts and may otherwise only hunt when accompanied by an adult with hunting experience (legal guardian or supervisor authorised in writing). A firearms licence can only be applied for from the age of 18.

Required documents

Initial application

  • Examination certificate in original and copy

  • 2 passport photos

  • Original and copy of identity card/passport

  • Original hunting liability confirmation from the insurance company

Youth hunting licence

  • Documents as for the initial application (see above)

  • Declaration of consent and liability of the legal representatives (all legal guardians)

  • Copies of the identity cards of the legal representatives


  • Copy of identity card or passport
  • Original hunting licence
  • Original hunting liability confirmation from the insurance company
  • 2 passport photos, if the fields on your current hunting licence are already full

Duration & Costs


All fees include the hunting levy.

  • Annual hunting licence: 60 euros
  • Three-year hunting licence: 150 euros
  • Daily hunting licence: 15 euros
  • Annual hunting licence for young people: 37.50 euros
  • There is a charge of 0.50 euros per page for copies made by the authorities.

Questions & Answers

Foreign hunting licences do not entitle the holder to hunt or purchase hunting weapons in Germany.

All information on the daily or annual hunting licence for foreign nationals (hunting licence for foreign nationals).

Related services

Possess and acquire ammunition

You need a licence to purchase and possess ammunition. A purchase licence is also valid as a permit for possession.

Apply for a gun licence

If you want to buy and own firearms, you must apply for a firearms licence. Certain weapons with test marks are exempt from this requirement.

Apply for a firearms licence

You require a firearms licence to carry firearms that do not bear the corresponding "PTB" test mark.

Small firearms licence

If you wish to carry a gas, alarm or signal weapon in public, you must apply for a small firearms licence.

Apply for a youth fishing licence

In Bavaria, all minors aged seven and over are allowed to fish with an accompanying person without an additional fishing licence - without having to go through the authorities and incurring costs.

Fishing wardens - Confirmation of fishing wardens

We can confirm a fishing warden at the request of fishing licence holders, fishing leaseholders or fishing cooperatives.

European firearms pass

If you want to take firearms with you when travelling in the EU, for example on hunting trips or for competitions, you need a European firearms pass.

Apply for a fishing licence

If you want to fish in Bavaria, you need a fishing licence. The prerequisite is reliability under fishing law and passing the state fishing examination.

Applying for and renewing an explosives licence

You need a licence to acquire, store, use, transfer, bring, transport and destroy explosive substances.