Dance and theatre productions with amateurs

If you would like to develop dance and theatre productions with amateurs in a participatory way, you can apply for this funding.


Based on the concept of cultural education for Munich, the Cultural Department of the City of Munich awards grants to support professional participatory dance and theatre productions with non-professionals. The minimum application amount is 4,000 euros, the maximum application amount is 20,000 euros per project.

The dance and theatre productions are realised using a variety of cultural forms of expression and are led by a professional team. They are characterised by artistic quality, process character and a high degree of participation and formulate an independent artistic approach. The children, young people, young or older adults or very old adults involved are actively included in the preparation and production processes.

In terms of cultural participation, we welcome projects that also appeal to people who otherwise have little access to the performing arts. This is achieved through specific content, methods, rehearsal and performance venues and co-operation partners.

Eligibility criteria
The call for applications is aimed at professionals from all areas of the performing arts. Applicants must be able to demonstrate experience that qualifies them for successful realisation.
The projects should promote central points of the concept of cultural education for Munich. This means that they endeavour to create cultural equality of participation and take into account aspects of inclusion, diversity promotion and gender equality.

In addition, the general funding criteria of the Cultural Department of the City of Munich apply.

Funding for 2025 has been awarded.

The call for proposals for the 2026 funding year will be published in spring 2025.


  • Mediators, educators and artists, independent theatres and independent dance and theatre organisations are eligible to apply.
  • The project takes place in Munich and with participants from the greater Munich area. The applicants have their artistic focus in the greater Munich area.
  • The dance and theatre pedagogical concepts are coherently presented in the project description.
  • If the applicant receives institutional funding, a clear distinction must be made between this and permanent funding.
  • Project-related funding can include production costs, costs for the premiere and for subsequent performances. The premiere date does not have to be fixed at the time of application.
  • As a rule, the performances must take place in the city area. In justified exceptional cases, individual performances may deviate from this rule.
  • The project funds must generally be utilised in 2025.
  • The calculation is balanced, i.e. the income is equal to the expenditure.
  • Projects that are conceived and realised under the leadership of state, municipal or district institutions are not eligible for funding. However, co-operation between the independent scene and such institutions is permitted.
  • The funding guidelines of the Cultural Department of the City of Munich apply

Required documents

  • Please use the form " Funding for dance and theatre productions with amateurs 2025", which you can download under "Documents and links".
  • Please create a meaningful project description (maximum 9,500 characters).
  • Please create a meaningful cost and financing plan. You are welcome to use our sample.
  • The application deadline is 25 July 2024(11.59 pm)
  • Receipt by e-mail to:, the e-mail must not exceed 5MB, all documents summarised in one PDF.

    Or by post to the following address:

    City of Munich
    Department of Culture
    Department 5
    Burgstraße 4
    80331 Munich

    The date of receipt by the City of Munich(not the postmark) applies.
  • To meet the deadline, applications can also be posted in the special letterbox at the gate in the town hall at the Fischbrunnen.
    An online consultation appointment will take place on 1 July 2024 from 11:00 to 12:00.
  • You can access the appointment via the following link

Questions & Answers

  • The submission is only valid if you agree to the unencrypted sending by e-mail in the application form.
  • Save the forms before completing them.
    Processing only with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • PDF and DOC are permitted. Please merge all documents into one PDF. Free online tools are available for merging.
  • Please send all documents in one e-mail (maximum 5 MB)
    Subject: "Dance and theatre with amateurs 2025 (project title if applicable)"
  • You will receive an automatic reply after sending your e-mail. This email will not confirm whether the application has been submitted in full and on time. If you do not receive the automatic reply within 30 minutes, please contact us and leave a message on the answering machine if necessary.

All application documents must be submitted in DIN A 4 format. Please refrain from using bindings, folders, project folders, etc. Employees of the Cultural Department are not permitted to accept applications.

Each applicant can only submit one grant application per year as part of this call for applications.
The completed application form, a project description and a detailed calculation of the expected expenditure and income must be submitted.

The cost and financing plan must be meaningful. You are welcome to use our sample.
No imputed costs (e.g. own rent-free rooms, fictitious rents, depreciation) and expenses for which there is no legal obligation (e.g. tips, gifts, etc.) may be included.
Ongoing costs for office space, storage, rehearsal rooms and permanent or freelance staff can be recognised on a pro rata basis if they are related to the project.
In the case of co-operation with state or municipal institutions, their services must also be detailed in the calculation.

If an input tax deduction can be claimed for the measures applied for, only net amounts are to be included in the calculation. As we are not permitted to advise you on tax issues, please contact your tax advisor or the relevant tax office if you are unsure about your entitlement to deduct input tax.
So-called. Small businesses are not entitled to deduct input tax .


  • In order to be able to assess compliance with fee floors and minimum wages, the fees and personnel costs must be itemised.
    Please state the names of those involved, their function and the type of employment relationship and, where possible, indicate hourly or daily rates.
  • Please ensure that the fees are fair and use the national recommendations as a guide.
  • If you would like to pay the participating laypersons an expense allowance, please justify this (motivation, relevance) in the project description. However, the payment of an expense allowance is not a funding requirement.

  • If you would like to purchase tangible assets (technology or similar) for the project from the grant applied for, you must justify this. Particularly in the case of tangible assets of over 800 euros, you must clearly explain the necessity and the connection to the project.
  • At the end of the project, the Department of Culture is entitled to the return of tangible assets in excess of €800. Please contact us if you are not sure whether you can apply for funding for a particular purchase.

  • Own funds are only genuine own cash contributions, i.e. cash that is securely available. If the total costs of the project are reduced and you declare your own funds, these own funds must be prioritised, i.e. used in the project before the funding from the Cultural Department and in full.
  • Unpaid personal contributions/own funds do not have to be stated in the calculation. Unpaid personal contributions / own resources can be: contributions in kind without payment, free use of space and equipment, etc. for which you do not pay anything and for which there are therefore no receipts (invoices, receipts, etc.). However, you can describe such free own funds / own contributions in the project description and, if possible, also estimate the time or monetary value.

  • Funding is also possible if you receive other funding for the project from third parties, i.e. from organisations other than the Department of Culture. This also applies to other funding from the City of Munich. In the calculation, you must present third-party funds in a comprehensible manner (if necessary by means of an explanation).
  • If you are already receiving institutional funding as an applicant, a distinction must be made between this and permanent funding.
  • You must state which grants and third-party funds from which organisations are planned and whether they have already been approved.
  • If you have not yet received written approval for the third-party funding, you must explain how the shortfall will be made up or how the project realisation will change in the event of rejection.

due to different associations with the term "layperson", we would like to point out that the term does not have to be used in the acquisition of participants but can also be used in other ways.

Legal basis

Funds are awarded by the Department of Culture on the basis of a recommendation from the jury for dance and theatre productions with non-professionals, which is made up of members of the city council and expert jurors. According to the current planning status, the applicants are expected to receive feedback on the acceptance or rejection in mid/end October.

Landeshauptstadt München

Abteilung 3
Kulturelle Bildung, Internationales,
Urbane Kulturen



Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Abteilung 3
Kulturelle Bildung, Internationales,
Urbane Kulturen

Burgstraße 4
80331 München

Fax: +49 89 233-27776


Burgstraße 4
80331 München

Related services

Dance option funding

If you can prove that you are a professional dancer, you can apply for optional funding in the field of dance.

Dance scholarship

If you have achieved your first artistic successes in the field of dance on the basis of proven professional work, you can apply for a scholarship.

Theatre scholarship

If you have achieved initial artistic success in the theatre on the basis of proven professional work, you can apply for a scholarship.

Individual project funding in the area of theatre

If you are at the beginning of your professional career and would like to realise your first projects in the field of theatre, you can apply for individual project funding.

Theatre option funding

If you can prove that you are a professional theatre maker, you can apply for optional funding in the field of theatre.

Individual project funding in the field of dance

If you are at the beginning of your professional career and would like to realise your first projects in the field of dance, you can apply for individual project funding.

Scholarship for children's and youth theatre

If you work professionally in children's and youth theatre in the independent scene, you can apply for a scholarship from the city.

Three-year funding for children's and youth theatre

If you work professionally in children's and youth theatre in the independent scene, you can apply for a three-year grant from the city.

Debut funding in the field of dance

If you are at the beginning of your professional career and would like to realise your first projects in the field of dance, you can apply for a debut grant.

Munich Prize for New Drama

If you are a playwright, you can apply for a sponsorship award for new drama.