Munich Industrial Centers

The Munich Industrial Centers provide commercial space for small skilled crafts, trades, and industrial businesses, and thus also for new products as well as innovative ideas and craftsmanship.

The Munich Industrial Center Program

With some 485 companies occupying a total of 106,000 m², the Munich Industrial Centers have been a success story for over 40 years.

The City of Munich made a conscious decision to offer skilled crafts, trades, and industrial companies the conditions for long-term operation in a growing city where there is major competition for space. The Munich Industrial Center Program was launched in order to offer suitable space throughout the city to SMEs from the skilled crafts, trades, manufacturing, and wholesale sectors.

Creating an expansive, city-wide network of Industrial Centers is key to achieving this goal.

The “stacked” construction of the centers provides special benefits, including a high ceiling load strain, freight elevators, broad access areas in the building, as well as on-site delivery zones. The service is also supported by attractive, tenant-friendly contract conditions.

The nine Munich Industrial Centers completed to date and the Munich Technology Center (MTZ) are located in densely developed districts and thus ensure that urban areas are also home to jobs in the crafts, trades, and industrial sectors. Neighbors and residents also benefit in the form of local supply options, less pollution and noise, and less competition for parking spaces.

The Munich Industrial Centers are thus an example of a successful policy aimed at SMEs in the city and an important part of diverse urban development.

  • Contacting the Industrial Centers

    Here you can find information (in German) and contact details for the nine Munich Industrial Centers and the Munich Technology Center (MTZ). The centers are managed by the MGH – Münchner Gewerbehof- und Technologiezentrums-Gesellschaft mbH – a City of Munich subsidiary.

    Die MGH vermietet seit diesem Monat Flächen im neuen Gewerbehof Nord. Er ist der neunte Standort in München.

Who can use the Munich Industrial Centers?

Companies must be involved in the skilled crafts, trades or industrial sectors to become a tenant in one of the Munich Industrial Centers.

It does not matter whether the company is newly founded, expanding, or seeking to relocate.

Looking ahead – Industrial Centers in the planning stage

Image: Map of Munich Industrial Centers: current and possible future locations

There is still a major need for small-scale commercial spaces within the city, as businesses often have to make way for housing.

Munich aims to build additional Industrial Centers so that companies operating in more traditional sectors can still operate in densely developed urban districts.

The City Council approved the Updated Munich Industrial Centers Program in late 2023, which defines the next steps and provides an overview of the medium- and long-term expansion of the Industrial Centers network (you can find the link to the official document at the bottom of this page).



The following locations have recently been assessed and prioritized and are in various stages of development:

  • Industrial Center Freiham
    Construction of the Industrial Center in the new Freiham district is scheduled to start in 2025 and will comprise an area of roughly 10,000 m². The planning application is currently being prepared.
  • Technology and Industrial Center Ostbahnhof
    The Industrial Center at Ostbahnhof was built in three stages between 1983 and 2001. It has a total area of 26,000 m² and is currently home to 62 companies. Plans are underway for it to develop into the Technology and Industrial Center Ostbahnhof. A new, 10,000 m² building is planned, which will offer space for traditional skilled crafts, trades, and industrial companies in combination with a technology center.  The planning application is currently being prepared.
  • Industrial Center Moosach
    A private investor is funding this Industrial Center located near the train station Moosacher Bahnhof. A 25,000 m² site is planned for traditional manufacturing companies. Around 14,000 m² of the site will take the form of small spaces in a stacked construction that can be rented for various purposes.