Quickly growing young companies and startups – commonly known as scaleups – face particular challenges finding suitable working space as the private-sector commercial property market offers almost no affordable spaces that are larger than 100 m2, divided into smaller units, expandable, and also available for short-term rent.
Therefore munich business launched a curated network of private suppliers, “Spaces for Scaleups”, in 2021 with the aim of increasing the supply of premises of at least 100 m2 for scaleups. If a suitable office space is available, this can be crucial in helping emerging companies move more easily from "Phase 2" to "Phase 3" of the startup life cycle.
This initiative by the Economic Development Department has attracted the interest of the property sector and raised awareness of scaleups as a target group. To date, dialog with portfolio holders, developers, investors, suppliers of coworking spaces, and other service providers have lead to a customized "Spaces for Scaleups" portfolio of exclusive offerings.
munich business will continue to work toward the creation of suitable offers that come closer to the target group in terms of size, rent levels and flexible conditions or complement the spaces with suitable infrastructure and services.