Highlight Towers von Norden

Commercial space and locations

In Munich’s inner city and adjoining areas intensive construction of commercial property and locations is ongoing. Some districts have already been modernized. Others are being expanded, given a facelift or a fully new character thanks to prominent architecture.

Development outlook

High-quality commercial space is springing up in very different areas of the city.

At the moment, construction is particularly concentrated along Munich’s eastern axis from St. Martin Straße via the Werksviertel and on to Berg am Laim.

Other locations where numerous projects are planned but not yet underway include in Steinhausen in the east, in Sendling in the south, and along the Frankfurter Ring in the north of the city.

Map: Munich City: Development areas for retail (yellow) and offices (red)

Office and commercial space by city district

Central Munich

Hauptbahnhof - Starnberger Flügelbahnhof (section of Munich main station), Am Rundfunkplatz (Bayerischer Rundfunk), Schwabing am Nordbad, The Creative Quarter

Visualisierung des Starnberger Flügelbahnhofs mit Vorplatz

North Munich

Parkstadt Schwabing, Allach, FIZ Masterplan, Milbertshofen, Moosach, Freimann, Frankfurter Ring, Europark and Ludwigsfelder/Dachauerstreet

München Parkstadt Schwabing Blick von Norden auf die Firmen rechts von der A9 und die Highlight Towers

East Munich

Bogenhausen - Arabellapark, Berg am Laim and Werksviertel, Zamdorf-Steinhausen, Messestadt Riem, Trudering, Neuperlach und Perlach

Blick im Münchner Werksviertel von Balkon des Werk 3 auf das Werk 12 mit den Großbuchstaben

West Munich

Westend, Hirschgarten, Landsberger Straße, Freiham-Neuaubing und more

Mohnblumenwiese vor dem entstehenden Freiham

South Munich

Mittersendling commercial district and Obersendling commercial district

Die Bestandsgebäude auf dem ehemaligen Siemens-Gebäude. Das Gelände wird von einem Zaun eingefasst.

Advice on commercial locations

Are you looking for commercial property? Would you like to move to or grow your company in Munich? Or do you want to modify, relocate or expand your premises? Get in touch!


Special commercial space

Coworking Spaces

A large number of coworking spaces can be found in Munich. Here you can quickly get an overview - by map or list.

Karte der Münchner Coworking Spaces

Munich's Industrial Centers

Flexible and affordable space for small- and medium-sized companies at currently ten different locations (page in German).

Die MGH vermietet seit diesem Monat Flächen im neuen Gewerbehof Nord. Er ist der neunte Standort in München.

Spaces for startups and scaleups

With the program, munich business pursues strategic projects that improve and supplement the supply of suitable space for startups and scaleups.

Treppenaufgang im Munich Urban Colab mit hängender Skulptur