Munich Employment and Qualification Program (MBQ)
The MBQ is the City of Munich’s labor market program. Aim is to professionally, socially integrate people into the labor market, acquire and retain skilled workers.
The MBQ and its services

The MBQ consists of four funding areas
- Reducing long-term employment
- Gender equality at the workplace
- Transition from education/higher education to the world of work
- Development of knowledge and expertise in companies and industries
The almost 100 projects offer a range of advisory services, training, as well as opportunities for employment and obtaining qualifications.
Above and beyond these four areas, the MBQ also offers special services to migrants and refugees.

MBQ projects website

Reducing long-term employment

Gender equality at the workplace

Support for young people and students

Development of knowledge and expertise in companie
Strategy and aims
The MBQ is the City of Munich’s municipal labor market program. It provides advice, initial and continuing training, retraining, as well as employment opportunities for people seeking support on Munich’s labor market. The main aim is social and professional integration into the labor market as well as acquiring and retaining skilled workers.
The MBQ helps people from a number of target groups to find their way (back) into skilled work: the (long-term) unemployed, people with a migration background, people returning to their careers, single parents, skilled workers, young people, students, graduates, and many others.
With almost 100 projects the program improves the prospects of those seeking support on the Munich labor market.
The City of Munich’s voluntary services reflect its desire to actively shape an independent employment policy. The Munich Employment and Qualification Program (MBQ) is a valuable addition to measures to promote employment required by law. The respective projects and strategies are developed in close cooperation with the Munich Job Center and Employment Agency.
The Munich City Council provides the Department of Labor and Economic Development with some 23 million euros annually for the Munich Employment and Qualification Program (MBQ). Around 22 million are invested in projects, and one million in the so-called “third labor market”, which seeks to improve the prospects of the long-term unemployed who are excluded from the mainstream labor market. This funding provides, among other things, 1,200 employment opportunities, training and retraining, around 3,000 advisory services and training programs resulting in qualification, as well as support for 130 participants on the “third labor market”.
The Munich Employment and Qualification Program’s (MBQ) projects and activities aim to provide both preventive and innovative approaches. To ensure this aim is fulfilled, the Department of Labor and Economic Development is in close contact with labor-market policy institutions throughout the Greater Munich area. Cooperating with proven service providers and partners helps to optimize the services offered and tailor them to the needs of Munich’s citizens and companies.
The MBQ brand: Logos, publicity information