Gastronomy and trade

Taxes, controls, offers: This applies to restaurants, shops, market stalls and prostitution in Munich.

Berufsgruppen und Branchen

  • Restaurants and canteens

    Do you run a catering business and offer food and drink? Everything to do with registration, licences, regulations and controls.

  • Shops and businesses

    From commercial parking permits to company self-monitoring - what you need to know for retail and wholesale

  • Market and sales stalls

    Would you like to offer your goods at a stand? All markets, applications, utilisation permits and application deadlines at a glance

Frequently requested services

Special use of public space

Pub gardens, merchandise displays, bicycle stands - special use is deemed to exist if public street property is used beyond the scope of common use (walking, driving, parking).

Get to know the rule

Verwandte Themen