Temporary ban on stopping for filming and events

You can apply for a temporary stopping ban if you need a free access zone for filming or events on a specific date.


  • Traffic signs are not valid without prior authorisation from the authorities (traffic order) and may not be erected. As soon as you have received authorisation, you must procure and erect the no-stopping signs yourself and remove them again after the deadline. The no stopping signs must be erected no later than the fourth day before the planned date of validity.
  • When you erect the no-stopping signs, you must make a note of the licence plate numbers and other characteristics of the vehicles parked there at that time. To do this, please complete the pre-notification list, which you can find under "Links & Downloads".
  • You will find all the other information you need to observe in your written permit.
  • Separate regulations apply when applying for a parking ban for removals, building site deliveries or other purposes. Further information can be found on this page under "Links & Downloads".

Required documents

  • Fully completed application form
  • If necessary, a hand-drawn sketch with precise details of the position and length of the no-stopping zone

Duration & Costs

Processing time

  • ten working days
  • When planning your schedule, please bear in mind that you need the permit in good time so that you can erect the signs at least four days before the validity date.
  • The processing time is shortened if you already have a permit and you only need to extend or postpone the period later.
  • It is not possible to take the permit with you immediately.


see "Links and downloads" (list of fees)

Payment methods available

Questions & Answers

Where can I get traffic signs?
You need to contact private companies that hire out and erect traffic signs. Most companies also offer to take care of the authorisation with the authorities.
You can search for the right service in the business directory using the following terms:
  • No stopping signs
  • Removal barriers
  • Traffic sign service
  • Signposting service

Legal basis

Highway Code

Landeshauptstadt München

Verkehrs- und Bezirksmanagement
Temporäre Anordnungen
Film und Veranstaltungen


Postal address

Fax: +49 89 233-39889


Implerstraße 9
81371 München

Contact us in writing

Related services

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Trade fair, market, exhibition - Public road surface

Anyone wishing to organise a trade fair, exhibition or market on public thoroughfares and claim market privileges for this purpose requires a permit.

Youth labour protection

Exemptions from youth labour protection for children under the age of 15 for creative/artistic participation in events and productions.

Event authorisation - Public streets and squares

Anyone wishing to organise a public event outdoors on public streets and squares requires a permit.

Quiet holiday

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Event registration - Closed rooms

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Event registration - private property and urban green spaces

An outdoor event on private property must be registered. An event on a municipal green space requires an exemption licence.

Apply for a temporary restaurant licence

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Trade fair, market, exhibition - Urban land or green spaces

Anyone wishing to organise a trade fair, exhibition or market on private urban land or in a green area with market privileges requires a permit.