Registration for grammar school

If your child is moving to the 5th grade of a public grammar school in Munich for the 2025/2026 school year, you must enrol them at the school on 5 May 2025.



Enrolment at Munich grammar schools will take place on 5 May 2025 from 8 am to 12 noon and from 3 pm to 6 pm. In exceptional cases, registration is possible from 6 May to 9 May 2025 (usually in the morning).

All information on school enrolment, trial lessons and parents' information evenings can be found on the homepage of the respective school.

Programmes at grammar schools

  • Linguistic and humanistic grammar school(SG, HG, SG.HG)
    The (new) language grammar school offers at least three foreign languages. At least two living foreign languages such as English, French, Italian and Spanish are taught. In some cases, Latin is also offered at modern language grammar schools. If a grammar school describes itself as a humanistic grammar school (HG or SG.HG), Latin is taught as the first foreign language, English as the second foreign language and Ancient Greek as the third foreign language.
  • Science and technology grammar school (NTG)
    In a mathematical-scientific or scientific-technological grammar school, the focus is on the natural sciences of physics, chemistry and, in some cases, biology. In addition, computer science is often offered as a subject. Two foreign languages are also taught - usually English with Latin or French.
  • Music grammar school (MuG)
    In addition to German, the subjects of music and art take centre stage. Music is an advanced subject in all year groups. Latin is taught as the first foreign language and English as the second foreign language.
  • Economics and Social Sciences Grammar School (WWG, SWG)
    The subjects of economics and law as well as business informatics are taught at the economics grammar school. The social science grammar school specialises in social studies and basic social-practical education. Two foreign languages are also taught - usually English with Latin or French.
  • International classes for years 5 to 9
    International classes are aimed at pupils whose native language is not German. With additional practice lessons in German, maths and English, pupils can close gaps before moving on to regular lessons from Year 10.

You have no right to be admitted to a particular grammar school. If there are more applications than school places available, the school management will endeavour to find a suitable school. Of course, you can also express your own preferences.


  • Your child successfully attended the 4th grade of a primary school in the 2024/2025 school year and is still 11 years old on 30 September 2025.
  • Your child has an average grade of at least 2.33 in the subjects German, maths and home economics.
  • If your child does not have the required average or has not yet received a recommendation for a secondary school, they can take part in a trial lesson. The dates for the trial lessons for grammar school are currently scheduled for 13 May to 15 May 2025, where your child will have to complete written tasks in German and mathematics. Oral performance will also be assessed. If your child passes the trial lessons with at least a grade 4, they can enter the grammar school. Details can be obtained directly from the respective school when enrolling. If your child is ill on the due date (certificate from a public or school doctor required), they can attend a catch-up date at the end of the summer holidays.

Required documents

  • the signed printout of the online pre-registration in the parent portal or the signed application for admission to grade 5
  • Identity card or passport of the parent or legal guardian
  • the signed consent to the publication of personal data
  • if applicable, the registration for the bound, open or rhythmised all-day school
  • the birth certificate or birth certificate of the child to be enrolled
  • the form proof of measles protection completed with the personal data as well as the vaccination certificate or a medical certificate
  • proof of custody, if applicable
  • authorisation from the legal guardian, if applicable

You can submit the documents on the day of enrolment as a scanned e-mail attachment, as a copy by post or by dropping them in person at the school, depending on what the school offers (see school website). Originals of the submitted copies can then be presented later.

You must submit the original transfer certificate. You can send it by post or drop it in the school's letterbox.

Pupils entitled to transfer to secondary schools must submit the interim report.

Parents/guardians who register their child at the school in person should bring the above-mentioned documents with them to the appointment.

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Bildung und Sport
Abt. 2 Gymnasien


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Bildung und Sport
Abt. 2 Gymnasien

Bayerstraße 28
80335 München

Fax: +49 89 233-83813


Bayerstraße 28
80335 München

Telephone consultation hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 7.15 a.m. to 4 p.m
Tuesday: 7.15 a.m. to 5.00 p.m
Friday: 7.15 a.m. to 1.00 p.m

Related services

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International student programme

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School counselling - grammar school

We support and advise you on topics relating to grammar school and general questions about your school career.

School counselling - Realschule, Orientierungsstufe, Gesamtschule

We support and advise you on topics relating to the Realschule, Orientierungsstufe and Gesamtschule and on general questions about your school career.

Registration for secondary school

The main date for enrolment in the 5th grade at public secondary schools for the 2024/25 school year is from 6 to 10 May 2024

Registration - Orientation level (Ori)

The municipal school type-independent orientation level (Ori) is a special type of school that prepares your child for the transition to Year 7.

School counselling - Secondary schools

We are happy to advise you on questions and problems in the areas of secondary school, grammar school and vocational school.

Registration for secondary school

If your child would like to attend a secondary school, you will find all the important information here.

School counselling - Inclusion

The Inclusion Counselling Service supports you with questions about inclusion at municipal secondary schools, grammar schools and vocational schools.