Atonement and conciliation office

The Atonement and Conciliation Office is a recognised conciliation body. It conducts out-of-court arbitration proceedings.


In mediation, an experienced, impartial mediator works together with the parties to find a solution to the conflict that does justice to the interests of both parties. Following successful negotiations, a settlement is reached that is binding for both parties and can be enforced.

In certain cases, out-of-court dispute resolution is mandatory.

However, it is also possible in principle to voluntarily opt for arbitration proceedings with the consent of the defendant. In this case, please contact us by telephone before submitting an application with regard to the technical assessment of the dispute. This is often a quicker, less bureaucratic and more favourable way of settling disputes than going to court.

Required documents

Informal written application with the following details:

  • Name and address of the parties involved
  • Description of the matter in dispute (place of offence, time of offence, course of events)
  • Proposal for the result you would like to achieve

You (or an authorised representative) can also present the proposal orally at the Atonement and Conciliation Office, where it will then be recorded for you in writing.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

You should expect a period of at least three months from the application to the arbitration hearing.


Expiation proceedings:
150 Euro (with negotiation)
75 Euro (without hearing)

Conciliation proceedings:
142.80 Euro (with hearing)
83.30 Euro (without hearing)

Payment methods available

Questions & Answers

Conciliation proceedings is the technical term for mediation in civil law matters. It is mandatory in the following cases:

  • in disputes concerning discrimination under the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)
  • in disputes under neighbouring law such as noise, smoke or border planting (value in dispute up to 5,000 euros)
  • in disputes concerning claims for violation of personal honour (amount in dispute up to 5000 euros). This does not apply to breaches of honour in the press and radio.

  • Both parties will be summoned to an oral hearing. The hearing is not public. If you wish, you can bring in a lawyer or counsellor.
  • If an agreement is reached, a settlement is reached which is legally binding. If one of the parties does not honour the agreements, the other party can have their claims enforced by means of compulsory enforcement.
  • If no settlement is reached, you as the applicant will receive a certificate of the failed settlement attempt. You must submit this certificate to the court if you wish to file an action.
  • The costs of the proceedings are usually borne by the applicant.

Conciliation proceedings is the technical term for mediation in criminal matters. It is prescribed in some cases if criminal proceedings have been discontinued by the public prosecutor's office and a private lawsuit is to be filed in the next step. For example, in the following cases:

  • in cases of trespassing, insult, defamation, slander, defamation of the memory of deceased persons, violation of the secrecy of correspondence, assault, threats, damage to property

Legal basis

Criminal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, Ordinance on Attempted Conciliation in Bavaria, Bavarian Conciliation Act, Civil Code, General Equal Treatment Act

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung I Sicherheit und Ordnung, Prävention
Recht. Sühne- und Gütestelle


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung I Sicherheit und Ordnung, Prävention
Recht. Sühne- und Gütestelle

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-44607


Ruppertstraße 19
80337 München

Lagehinweis: Eingang C

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