Grant for the purchase of a computer for senior citizens
If you are a senior citizen and have bought a laptop, computer or tablet, the City of Munich will support your purchase with a grant.
Why is the subsidy paid? Today, older people also want to participate in global digitalisation. They want to use electronic media to find out about current global political developments, quickly and unbureaucratically check data and figures such as public transport departure times or simply get in touch with other people via email or social networks. Senior citizens who only have a low income or assets should have the same opportunities as older citizens who are financially better off. Since 1 January 2020, the City of Munich has therefore been paying a subsidy for the purchase of a laptop, tablet or PC if certain conditions are met. IT accessories such as printers and ink cartridges are also covered by the subsidy.
How much is the grant? The grant is 250 euros per eligible person.
Where can I apply for the subsidy? You can apply for the subsidy at the Voluntary Benefits Office in the Social Citizens' Centre responsible for your home address. Persons entitled to benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) can enquire at the Office for Housing and Migration at the relevant office.
The subsidy is available to senior citizens in Munich after their 60th birthday who receive
- Benefits according to the Social Code (SGB II) from the job centre,
- Benefits for subsistence or basic security in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity in accordance with the German Social Code (SGB XII),
- Receive benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG) or
- have a Munich Pass.
In household communities, each person has a separate entitlement to the cash benefit, provided that the above conditions are met.
However, two authorised persons in a household can also use their respective allowance to purchase a joint appliance or additional equipment.
The grant can only be approved if a receipt for the purchase of a laptop, tablet or PC is submitted. The application can be submitted no later than three months after the invoice date.
Required documents
- Valid passport or identity card
- Proof of purchase for the device
- Current notification of benefits according to the Social Security Code - SGB II from the job centre or
- Current notification of benefits according to the Social Security Code - SGB XII from the City of Munich or the district of Upper Bavaria
- Current notification of benefits according to the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act or
- suitable proof of your income and financial circumstances
Legal basis
The subsidy for the purchase of a laptop, tablet or PC is additional help from the City of Munich.