Applying for and renewing an explosives licence
You need a licence to acquire, store, use, transfer, bring, transport and destroy explosive substances.
The explosives licence is required, among other things, for the acquisition, storage, use, transfer, transport and destruction of explosive substances. These are usually black powder for muzzle loading, gunpowder for firing firecrackers and nitrocellulose powder for reloading cartridge cases. The licence is limited to a maximum of five years and is issued for a certain maximum quantity of explosive substances.
- Main residence in Munich
- Reliability under explosives law.
- Expertise: For the handling of black, firecracker or nitrocellulose powder, this can be acquired in courses offered by private training providers. The course is followed by an examination before the responsible trade supervisory office.
- At the start of the course, a so-called clearance certificate must be presented, which is also issued by the Munich District Administration Department, HA I/21 and must be applied for in good time before the start of the course (approx. 4 to 6 weeks beforehand).
- Requirement
- suitable storage facility
Required documents
- Identity card/passport
- Course certificate
- Certificate of need (for muzzle loaders or reloaders)
- Membership certificate (firearms shooters)
All relevant documents that are to be submitted with the application must be presented in the original and as a photocopy. If the copies have to be made by the authorities, a fee of EUR 0.50 will be charged per copy.
An extension of the explosives licence is only possible before the expiry date.
Legal basis
§ 27 SprengG