Careworkers for persons with disabilities
The “Care International” program brings trainee careworkers from Turkey to Munich to assist persons with disabilities.

One-year path to employment as careworker in Munich
"I became aware of the Care International project one year ago and came to Germany. I have gained a lot of experience through the project and I am now working as a careworker in Munich. I feel very lucky and privileged to be part of this project."
Association of project sponsors
- The association of project sponsors – Trägerverbund Personalsituation Behindertenhilfe – aims to acquire new careworkers for persons with disabilities and to develop and implement ideas for improving the staffing situation in residential institutions for such persons in Munich. To this end, we work with various organizations at the municipal level.
- The following organizations are involved in the Trägerverbund Personalsituation Behindertenhilfe:
- Munich Employment and Qualification Program (MBQ) – Department of Labor and Economic Development, City of Munich
- Heimaufsicht – Department of Public Order, City of Munich
- Augustinum
- Caritasverband für München und Freising
- Die Brücke gGmbH
- Helfende Hände gGmbH
- Lebenshilfe München e.V.
- Monsignore-Bleyer-Haus
- Regens-Wagner-Stiftung München
- Stiftung ICP München
- Stiftung Pfennigparade
- Südbayerische Wohn- und Werkstätten für Blinde und Sehbehinderte gGmbH
How Care International works
"I am happy to have gained my initial experience as part of the Care International project. The feeling of being valued motivates me even more to continue my career. I’m proud to be part of Care International."