Are you studying, training, au pairing or volunteering in Munich?
If you would like to attend a school or participate in a student exchange in Munich, you will need a residence permit.
You are not from an EU country, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland and would like to study in Munich? Then you need a residence permit.
If you are preparing to study in Germany with an intensive German course, preparatory college or pre-study internship, you will need a residence permit.
Would you like to change your specialisation or university? Then you need prior authorisation and a new residence permit that allows you to change.
If you come from a third country, you can apply for a residence permit for vocational training or further education.
You want to complete qualified vocational training in Munich? Then you can obtain a residence permit for the search for a training place.
If you would like to take part in a national or European voluntary service programme in Munich, please note the following information.
Au pairs may come from any country between the ages of 18 and 26.
Under certain conditions, it is possible to switch to a study visit after an au pair stay.
If you want to explore Germany for up to a year and finance part of your stay through work, please note the following information.
Would you like to attend an intensive German language course? Then you must apply for a residence permit for this period.
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Informationen zu Arbeitsmöglichkeiten für internationale Studierende.
Was internationale Studierende beim Abbruch Ihres Studium wissen müssen.
Schritt für Schritt in Bildung und Arbeit: Informationen und Angebote für Geflüchtete und Neuzugewanderte im Alter ab 16 Jahren.