Selling grave decorations on All Saints' Day

Would you like to sell flowers or other grave decorations near cemeteries on All Saints' Day? Then you must submit an application.


The sale of flowers, wreaths and other grave decorations on public thoroughfares and grounds is permitted on All Saints' Day in the immediate vicinity of cemeteries.

Applications for a sales area must be submitted to the district inspectorate of the borough in which the sale is to take place.

Sales outlets may be open on Sundays and public holidays in accordance with the Shop Closure Act and the Ordinance on the Sale of Certain Goods as follows:

Monday to Saturday: 6 a.m. to 8 p.m

Sunday: 10 am to 12 noon

All Saints' Day: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m

You require a licence to sell grave decorations in public areas.

The district inspectorate of the district in which the sale is to take place on All Saints' Day is responsible for you.

Duration & Costs


Special utilisation fee for the sales period: 65 euros

Set-up and dismantling (outside the authorised sales period): 10 euros per day

There are also administrative fees, which depend on the individual case.

Payment methods available

Questions & Answers

During which period may the All Saints' Day sale be held?
From the Saturday between 12 and 18 October of the respective year up to and including 2 November of the respective year.
How is the special utilisation fee calculated?
The special utilisation fee of 65 euros applies to the entire sales period. An additional 10 euros will be charged for each additional day required for set-up or dismantling.

Legal basis

Art. 18 Bavarian Roads and Paths Act, § 20 Para. 1 No. 1 Special Utilisation Guidelines, No. 22 Annex 1 Special Utilisation Fee Regulations

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