Notarisation of signatures

You can have your signature notarised under a document if you have to submit it to an authority or a body with public duties.


The registration authority is responsible for the official certification of signatures if the signed document is to be submitted to a German authority or to a private body (company or bank) that is commissioned to fulfil public tasks or to assist in their fulfilment (e.g. receipt of loan applications for public funding).

You need an appointment to visit the Citizens Office .


As a rule, signatures and hand signs may only be notarised if they are executed and recognised in the presence of a notarising official.

Note for declarations of commitment:

  • You can only obtain notarised signatures on declarations of commitment from private individuals for visiting foreigners from the Foreigners Office.

  • You can obtain notarised signatures on declarations of commitment from company or association representatives from the registration office.

The signature may only be notarised if the signed document is required for submission to a German authority or to a private body (company or bank) that is commissioned to fulfil public tasks or to assist in their fulfilment (e.g. receipt of loan applications for public funding)

Not to be notarised:

  • Signatures that require public notarisation. These include notarised signatures under contracts or declarations in the area of family and inheritance law, in association and commercial register matters and land register matters. Here it is advisable to have the signature notarised by a notary.
  • Signature notarisations intended for submission to a foreign authority or body are reserved for notary's offices.
  • Signatures without accompanying text (blank signatures) may not be notarised.

Required documents

  • Passport or identity card (original) of the person whose signature is to be notarised.
    An additional power of attorney is not required.

Duration & Costs


  • Notarisation of a signature or a hand sign: 20 euros
  • Notarisation of signatures of companies and association representatives: 50 euros

Youcanhavesignatures notarised for pension purposesfree of charge at the insurance office.

Payment methods available

Questions & Answers

  • for signatures without text ("blank signature")
  • if the text is written in a foreign language
  • for submissions to foreign authorities
  • if it is part of an affidavit
  • if a public notarisation is required (for matters relating to inheritance law, family law, association law, land register, commercial register). You should contact a notary for this.

Related services

Notarisation of up to 20 documents

With an official notarisation, we confirm with our seal and signature that the copy we have made corresponds to the document you have submitted.

Transmission block

You can use a transmission block to prevent your registration data from being passed on.

Registration information

Do you need information about a new address or other personal data? Then you must submit a written request.

Change in the death register

If the details of a deceased person on their death certificate are incorrect, you can request the necessary change in the death register.

Ordering a certificate

You can order civil status certificates from the registry offices online. The certificates are sent by post, even abroad.

Information block

Under certain legal conditions, the registration authority may provide third parties with information from the population register (surname, first name, doctor's degree, address).

Household certificate

The household certificate is an official confirmation of the registration data of your family members entered on the form.

Notarisation of up to 5 documents

With an official notarisation, we confirm with our seal and signature that the copy we have made corresponds to the document you have submitted.

Registration certificate

If you are or were registered in Munich, you can apply for a written or electronic registration certificate from us.

Registry office documents from the city archives

You can order historical entries on births, marriages and deaths that are no longer kept at the registry offices from the city archives.