Wildlife and hunting in the city

Numerous wild animal species live in the city. As humans and wild animals have to share the same habitat, problems can arise.


Numerous wild animal species live in the city. As humans and wild animals have to share the same habitat, this can also lead to problems.

The most common wild animals in the urban area are

  • Wild rabbits
  • Foxes
  • Stone martens
  • Raven crows

There is no obligation to pay compensation for damage caused by wild animals outside of hunting grounds. Land and buildings must be insured against damage caused by game by the respective owner.

Most of Munich's urban area is a pacified district in which hunting is generally not permitted. In individual cases, limited hunting may be authorised on application.

If you have serious problems with wild animals, you can contact the lower hunting authority in the district administration department. This also applies to questions about falconry and native mordant birds.

Please note:
In the event of road accidents involving wild animals, please contact the police.

Required documents

  • Informal letter with description of the situation (if available with photos and sketch plan)

Duration & Costs

Processing time

2 days to 3 weeks (depending on the effort involved, for example if experts have to be called in)


50 to 250 euros (depending on the individual case)

Questions & Answers

  • There's a fox in my garden
    A large number of foxes live in the city of Munich and have adapted to the urban habitat. Further information can be found in our "Fox" information sheet

  • A stone marten can be heard in our attic
    Martens like to live in attics, mezzanines or garages. Further information can be found in our information sheet "Stone martens"

  • Wild rabbits destroy plants and dig holes
    Wild rabbits live in colonies and build dens. This can lead to browsing damage to plantings and undermining of paths. Further information can be found in our information sheet "Wild rabbits"

  • There is a dead wild animal in my gardenp
    The landowner is responsible for disposing of a dead wild animal on private property. A disposal company can be commissioned for this purpose.

  • Can I simply set a live trap for wild animals such as foxes or stone martens on my property?
    No, you would be committing a serious legal offence. Please enquire with us beforehand.

  • Raven crows fly at passers-by
    The problem only exists for a short time during the crows' rearing phase, when the young are still flying unsteadily and often land on lower branches or the ground. The parents then try to protect their young from passers-by. As soon as the young crows are able to fly better after a few days and can therefore flee, this behaviour ends. Avoid these areas under trees during this time. Further information can be found in our information sheet "Raven Crows".

  • Keeping a bird of prey or falcon
    Please refer to our information sheet "Keeping birds of prey and falcons".

  • Hunting territories, determination of hunting ground boundaries
  • Appointment of hunting protection officers and forest protection officers
  • Reporting poaching and unethical hunting behaviour
  • Stalking and falconry

Legal basis

Federal Hunting Act, Bavarian Hunting Act, Implementing Ordinance to the Bavarian Hunting Act, Federal Game Protection Ordinance, Forest Act for Bavaria

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung I Sicherheit und Ordnung, Prävention
Waffen, Jagd, Fischerei


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung I Sicherheit und Ordnung, Prävention
Waffen, Jagd, Fischerei

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-44636


Ruppertstraße 11
80337 München

Related services

Vermin in a food business

If you notice a pest infestation in your food business, you will find the right contacts here.

Notification of ragweed infestation

Anyone who spots ragweed in Munich, which has an allergenic effect on humans, can report this to the city.

Violation of the ban on feeding pigeons

Feeding urban pigeons (feral domestic pigeons) is prohibited in the city of Munich. You can report offences against the feeding ban to us.

Disposal of animal carcasses

If you find a stray dead animal on public property, please inform the collection service of the Munich waste management company.

Reporting of rats

Rats transmit infectious diseases and are combated as "health pests" in accordance with infection control legislation. We accept reports in this regard.

Notification of an animal welfare incident

If you suspect that animal welfare or animal health regulations are being violated, you can report this here.

Advice and information on urban pigeons

Pigeon feeding ban, help with pigeons on balconies and terraces, health hazards - we provide advice and information on all questions relating to pigeons in Munich.