Water law permit - geothermal probe/ geothermal collector

A permit under water law is required for the construction of a geothermal system (probe, collector, baskets or similar) with groundwater contact.


Geothermal probes are generally only useful in the south of Munich, as the quaternary gravel layers here are very thick. The maximum possible drilling depths in Solln, Forstenried, Harlaching, Perlach and Trudering are around 30 to 35 metres.

Geothermal collectors and baskets generally require a large area. For example, the collector area needs to be about twice the living space or five to seven baskets, each with a surface area of ten square metres for around twelve kilowatts of heating requirements).

A building inspection is always required during construction!

Geothermal systems are not permitted in water protection areas!

Only quaternary gravel layers may be tapped!

Required documents

For projects up to and including 50 kilowatts of power, the use of near-surface groundwater and outside water protection areas and areas entered in the register of contaminated sites:

  • informal letter of application
  • Expert opinion from a private water management expert specialising in geothermal probes or "thermal utilisation - closed systems" (in triplicate and also in digital form).

For all other projects:
All documents are required in paper form in triplicate and also in digital form.

Information on the basis of the form and

  • Application form
  • Explanation of the project:
    • Type of geothermal energy utilisation (probe/collector)
    • Purpose of the project (mode of operation/heat transfer medium)
    • Construction drawing and number of probes, area required for the collectors
    • Material and size of the probes/collectors
    • working/refrigerant used with proof that the brine fluid is harmless (maximum water hazard class 1), safety equipment, pipework
  • Impact of the project
    Intended sealing or installation (for grouting probes with ready-mixes: Declaration of no objection from the manufacturer)
  • General site plan (M= 1:25,000) with marking of the location
  • Site plan (detailed site plan M= 1:5,000 or M = 1:1,000) with entry of the drilling points or loops
  • Layer index and development plan
    • List of strata according to DIN 4022
    • drawing of the drilling profiles in accordance with DIN 4023
    • scale plans of the boreholes
  • Hydrogeological information (groundwater conditions)
    • the highest groundwater level in metres above mean sea level (MSL)
    • the average groundwater level in metres above mean sea level (MSL)
    • Location of the groundwater dam
  • Further information
    Certificate in accordance with DVGW 120 or "Seal of approval for geothermal probes"

Duration & Costs

Processing time

Up to three months, longer for complex cases .

Payment methods available

Legal basis

§§ Sections 8 to 15 of the Federal Water Act (WHG)
Article 15 and Article 70 of the Bavarian Water Act (BayWG)

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Wasserrecht


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Wasserrecht

Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München


Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München


  • Not available:Barrier-free access
  • Not available:Disabled parking

All citizens' offices (4th floor) are barrier-free.

Related services

Drilling and working in groundwater

Work that penetrates so deeply into the ground that groundwater could be encountered must be reported at least one month before the planned start of work.

Water licence - heat pump/ cooling system up to 50kW

Anyone who pumps or infiltrates groundwater via a well and uses it to operate a groundwater heat pump or cooling system requires a permit under water law.

Display for a garden fountain

If you want to construct a well to water your private garden with the groundwater, you must notify us at least one month in advance.

Completion of the replacement planting

If you have felled a tree, a replacement planting may be required as compensation. The completion of this replanting must be reported.

Advice on the ecological criteria catalogue

If you want to build on a municipal property, you must comply with the ecological criteria catalogue of the City of Munich. We can advise you on this.

Report tree damage (during construction work)

If trees are damaged without authorisation, owners or polluters can be obliged to restore or plant replacement trees.

Water permit - heat pump/ cooling system from 50kW

Anyone who extracts or infiltrates groundwater via a well and uses it to operate a groundwater heat pump or cooling system requires a water licence.

Drilling indicator well - heat pump/ cooling system up to 50kW

Drilling for the construction of extraction and absorption wells for groundwater heat pumps or cooling systems must be notified in good time before drilling work begins.

Water law permit - construction projects in groundwater

In the course of a construction project, there may be interventions in the groundwater for which a permit under water law is required.

Tree felling - Protected tree species

In Munich, certain trees are specially protected by the Tree Protection Ordinance. These trees may only be cut down or pruned with authorisation.