Subsidy for meals on wheels/ social lunches

Anyone who is unable to do their shopping or prepare a hot meal can apply for a subsidy for meals on wheels or the social lunch programme.


If you are no longer able to buy groceries or prepare a hot meal due to your age or for health reasons, you can apply for a subsidy for meals on wheels or for the social lunch programme.

The subsidy is part of the cost of living assistance or basic income support according to SGB XII.

You can find more information on how to apply for assistance with living expenses in accordance with Chapter 3 of the Social Code XII (SGB XII) or basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity in accordance with Chapter 4 of the Social Code XII (SGB XII) on our page "

Basic income support in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity



Persons who fulfil the health requirements and receive ongoing assistance with living expenses or basic security benefits in accordance with SGB XII are entitled to benefits. Persons who do not receive ongoing benefits but are unable to cover the costs of meals on wheels or the social lunch table from their own resources are also entitled to benefits.

Required documents

  • Notice of benefit according to SGB XII,
  • or proof of income and assets.
  • Medical confirmation that the applicant fulfils the health requirements,
  • or a statement from the district social worker confirming that the health requirements have been met.

Legal basis

§ Section 27a (4) SGB XII

Related services

Notarisation of a care directive

If you want to specify who should take over legal care for you if necessary, you need a care directive, which we can notarise on request.

Household help

Help for people who need support from others to continue household chores or physical activities.

Assistance for the elderly: subsidies for travel costs, telephone, home emergency call

The elderly care service supports senior citizens with travel allowances, telephone assistance and home emergency call systems.

Preventive home visits for older people

Preventive home visits are intended to help recognise emergency and dangerous situations among older people at an early stage.

Munich Care Exchange

Whether inpatient care, short-term care, day care, outpatient care or care at home - the Munich Care Exchange helps you to find suitable offers.

Counselling centres for older people and relatives

Are you an older person or a person in need of care looking for support? Would you like advice as a relative or carer? These centres can help.

Grant for the purchase of a computer for senior citizens

If you are a senior citizen and have bought a laptop, computer or tablet, the City of Munich will support your purchase with a grant.

Old people's and service centres (ASZ)

The centres for the elderly and service centres offer local advice and practical help for older people and their relatives.

Assistance in senior living facilities

If you need to move to an assisted living facility for health reasons, the Social Security Office can help you.

Counselling for problems in geriatric care

The complaints office advises people in need of care, relatives, legal carers, acquaintances and carers on issues relating to care for the elderly.