Individual project funding in the area of theatre

If you are at the beginning of your professional career and would like to realise your first projects in the field of theatre, you can apply for individual project funding.


The City of Munich awards individual project funding of up to 100,000 euros per year for a specific work project in the field of theatre.

The aim of the individual project funding is to enable professional projects whose artistic signature and quality standards are judged to be independent and promising. The proposals submitted will be scrutinised by a jury with this in mind.
The call for proposals is aimed at artists of all age groups who are already working professionally in this field.

in principle, applications can be submitted by 1 June of the previous year.
 applications for the year 2025 can be submitted until 3 June 2024, 11.59 pm, as the deadline of 1 June 2024 falls on a Saturday.


Projects must generally be realised in the year for which they are applied for. If the planned production and / or performance period extends beyond the calendar year, a separate justification must be included in the project description. In the event of an extension, the production and performances must be completed by 30 November of the following year at the latest. Further information can be found in the rules and regulations for the performing arts.

Required documents

  • Project description / concept (maximum 4 DIN A4 pages)
  • Short biographies of the artistic team; in the case of individual project funding, a reference production of the applicant(s)* (title, year of performance, location, links to videos etc.) is required.
    (Only one file can be uploaded; the short biographies must therefore be summarised)
  • Confirmation of the performance venue or alternatively a description of the performance venue
  • Calculation with fee breakdown; this data must be entered directly in the online application and can optionally be uploaded as a supplementary file

In addition, a brief description is requested in the application, which is entered directly in the online form. This comprises a maximum of 500 characters.

Questions & Answers

Projects must generally be realised in the year for which they are applied for. If the planned production and / or performance period extends beyond the calendar year, a separate justification must be included in the project description. In the event of an extension, the production and performances must be completed by 30 November of the following year at the latest.

Only a maximum of four files can be uploaded in the online procedure (confirmation of the performance venue, the project description, short biographies and calculation)

If you would like to add further information to the application, this is only possible in the project description.

No; once your application has been submitted, it can no longer be amended. We therefore recommend that you always attach a separate calculation to the application, in particular to avoid errors in the calculation of the amount of funding applied for.

In the event of a positive funding decision, changes are possible during project realisation. These must be reported to the cultural department.

Yes; the maximum funding amount for individual project funding is up to 100,000 euros per application.

Please note that all planned expenditure and income must be entered in the online system when applying for individual project or debut funding. The amount of funding applied for will be calculated automatically based on the information you provide.

In principle, all expenditure that can be proven to be related to the project can be recognised. This also includes expenses for maintaining the infrastructure, such as rental expenses for a permanently rented office, studio or warehouse, although these expenses can only be recognised on a pro rata basis (project reference must be recognisable).

Technical purchases can also be financed from the grant and must be listed in detail in the application.

General living expenses may not be financed from the grant. Also, no imputed costs (e.g. own rooms, fictitious rents, depreciation) and expenses for which there is no legal obligation (e.g. tips, gifts, etc.) may be recognised.

When reviewing the applications, the expert jury will ensure that the artists are remunerated appropriately. We therefore ask you to take into account the lower fee limits recommended by the Federal Association of Independent Performing Arts in your application.

The calculation should show income that is as realistic as possible. Third-party funds that are planned but not yet applied for and approved can be named in the separate calculation. Please indicate which grants and third-party funds are planned, from which organisations they come and whether the funds have been applied for or already approved (= written confirmation).

If the calculation includes third-party funds for which no written confirmation has yet been received, these must be labelled "applied for". The project description must show how the shortfall will be made up or how the project realisation will change if the third-party funding is rejected.

Own funds are own financial contributions, i.e. funds that are securely available for the project. The use of own funds is not a prerequisite for submitting an application; however, own funds included in the application must be prioritised for funding.

Services provided free of charge (e.g. free services in kind, free provision of space and technology, etc.) do not constitute own funds, as there is no cash flow. These services may not be included in the calculation. You can present these services in the project description and - as far as possible - evaluate them in terms of time and money.

Legal basis

The applications submitted will be reviewed by the independent theatre makers and independent dance makers jury. The award recommendations are based on the "Principles and Guidelines for the Promotion of Contemporary Performing Arts 2025 to 2027". The City Council is expected to decide on the awarding of project funding in the dance and theatre sector in autumn 2024 on the recommendation of the juries.

Landeshauptstadt München

Abteilung 1
Bildende Kunst, Darstellende
Kunst, Film, Literatur, Musik,
Stadtgeschichte, Wissenschaft

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Abteilung 1
Bildende Kunst, Darstellende
Kunst, Film, Literatur, Musik,
Stadtgeschichte, Wissenschaft

Burgstraße 4
80331 München

Fax: +49 89 233-21269


Burgstraße 4
80331 München

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