Authorisation of food businesses
If you run a food business and require an EU authorisation, you will find the relevant information here.
According to Regulation (EC) No 853/2004, food business operators may only place products of animal origin produced in the Community on the market if they have been processed and handled exclusively in establishments which comply with the relevant requirements of food law and have been registered or, where necessary, authorised by the competent authority.
Information on registering a food business can be found here.
You can find out when authorisation is required in the Authorisation Manual.
Before starting operations, the food business operator is obliged to check whether the planned activity is subject to authorisation in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004. To clarify this, they can contact the responsible food inspection authority or the municipal veterinary office.
Authorisation is granted by the government of Upper Bavaria. The official veterinarians of the Municipal Veterinary Office will support you in your preparations as experts. Please contact us in good time by telephone or e-mail.
Required documents
- Application for authorisation
- Self-declaration
- If applicable, confirmation of the transfer of food law responsibility to the responsible food business operator by the management
- Copy of the business registration and extract from the commercial register
- Operating plans with personnel and goods flow marked in colour, machine list with date
- Official site plan/excerpt from the land registry
- Organisation chart
- Extract from the central trade register in accordance with Section 150 (5) of the Trade Regulation Act for submission to an authority of the responsible food business operator
- Certificate of good conduct category 0 for submission to an authority in accordance with Section 30 (5) of the Federal Central Criminal Register Act of the responsible food business operator
- The forms are available on the website of the Government of Upper Bavaria
Questions & Answers
Please inform yourself in advance in the manual Authorisation.
Legal basis
The Government of Upper Bavaria issues the authorisations in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 853/2004.
Hauptabteilung III
Gewerbeangelegenheiten und Verbraucherschutz
Städtisches Veterinäramt
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung III
Gewerbeangelegenheiten und Verbraucherschutz
Städtisches Veterinäramt
Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München
Fax: +49 89 233-39733
Thalkirchner Straße 106
80337 München
Monday: 07:30 to 12:00 Tuesday: 08:30 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00
Thursday: 08:30 to 15:00
Friday: 07:30 am to 12:00 pm