Residence permit - admission promise from the federal government

If you have been granted admission, the Foreigners Office will issue you with a residence permit.


if you have a confirmation of admission from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) in accordance with Section 23 (2) or Section 23 (4) of the Residence Act or a confirmation of admission from the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs in accordance with Section 22 sentence 2 of the Residence Act, the Foreigners Office will issue you with a residence permit.

With the residence permit, you can work in Germany without restriction.

The residence permit will be issued in the same way as stated in the notification of admission. If you are of Jewish descent, you will be issued a settlement permit in the same way as stated in the notification of admission.

The duration of the issuance and extension of the residence permit in accordance with Section 22 of the Residence Act is determined by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Homeland.

The residence permit pursuant to Section 23 (2) and (4) of the Residence Act is generally issued for three years.

This residence permit entitles you to attend an integration course once.

With a residence permit in accordance with § 22 of the Residence Act, you are not entitled to take part in an integration course. However, you can be authorised by the BAMF to participate if there are places available.

As a rule, you must have lived in the federal state to which you were assigned in the acceptance letter for three years.

Persons with a residence permit in accordance with Section 23 (4) of the Residence Act will receive a travel document for foreigners if they do not have a national passport. In the case of persons with a residence permit in accordance with Section 22 sentence 2 or Section 23 (2) of the Residence Act, the fact that they have been admitted due to a particular risk should be taken into account when issuing a travel document for foreigners.

Family reunification with persons who have been granted admission in accordance with Section 22 or Section 23 (2) of the Residence Act is only possible for reasons of international law or humanitarian reasons or to safeguard the political interests of the Federal Republic of Germany.

You must first register your main residence in Munich at the Citizens Office .

To apply and make an appointment, use our online service or send us your documents and application by post. After we have checked everything, you will receive an appointment from us.


  • You are registered in Munich.
  • You have a confirmation of admission from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees.
  • You have supported a German authority or organisation or are a person in need of protection and particularly at risk and have a confirmation of admission from the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs.
  • You have a referral licence from the Government of Middle Franconia for accommodation in the city of Munich or you live in a private flat.
  • You have no criminal record.

Required documents

  • Fully completed application form
  • Valid passport or passport replacement
  • Current biometric passport photo
  • Letter of acceptance from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees or confirmation of acceptance from the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs
  • Entry visa
  • Referral certificate from the government of Middle Franconia for accommodation (if available)

Further documents may be required in individual cases.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

10 to 12 weeks


  • No fees for persons with an admission authorisation in accordance with Section 23 (2) or (4) of the Residence Act
  • For persons with an admission authorisation according to § 22 Residence Act
  • Initial issue: 100 euros (adults); 50 euros (minors)
  • Extension: 93 euros (adults); 46.50 euros (minors)

If you receive benefits according to SGB II, SGB XII or youth welfare (SGB VIII), you can be exempted from the fees.

Payment methods available

Questions & Answers

There is no restriction on residence if you

  • are taking up or have taken up employment subject to social insurance contributions for at least 15 hours a week, you have an income of at least the average monthly requirement for an individual in accordance with §§ 20 and 22 SGB II
  • are taking up or have taken up vocational training or are in a study or training relationship or are taking up, have taken up or have completed an integration course, a vocational language course, a specific qualification measure or a further training measure if the course or measure cannot be carried out or continued at the obligatory place of residence.
  • There is also no obligation to reside if the conditions listed above are fulfilled by your spouse, your registered partner or a minor, unmarried child with whom you are related and live in a family partnership.

The residence restriction can be cancelled upon application if the requirements of Section 12a (5) of the Residence Act are met. The application must be submitted to the Foreigners Office responsible for your current place of residence.

If you have been accepted as a resettlement refugee (Section 23 (4) of the Residence Act), you can bring your spouse, partner and unmarried minor children to Germany.

Your family members should submit the application within three months of your admission as a resettlement refugee (Section 23 (4) Residence Act). In this case, it is not necessary to secure a means of subsistence or sufficient living space as a prerequisite for entry.

At the German diplomatic mission responsible for the family members' place of residence.

In principle, foreign nationals must present a valid national passport. Whether it is unreasonable to obtain a national passport must be examined by the Foreigners Office on a case-by-case basis on the basis of the explanations in the notification of admission. The travel document can only be issued for the duration for which the residence permit is valid.

Legal basis

§ Section 22 Residence Act, Section 23 (2) and (4) Residence Act, Section 12a Residence Act, Section 29 Residence Act

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Ausländerangelegenheiten, Asylangelegenheiten

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Ausländerangelegenheiten, Asylangelegenheiten

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-45595


Ruppertstraße 19
80337 München

Lagehinweis: Eingang A

Related services

Residence permit – Opportunity right of residence

Tolerated persons can apply for a residence permit with the right of residence opportunity in order to later fulfil the requirements for a long-term right of residence.

Residence permit - beneficiaries of subsidiary protection

If you have been recognised by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees as a person entitled to subsidiary protection, you will receive a residence permit.

Assistance under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act

Asylum seekers who have little or no income receive economic assistance in accordance with the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (AsylbLG).

Travel document for stateless persons

If you are stateless, the Foreigners Office can issue you a travel document for stateless persons in individual cases.

Temporary suspension of deportation (tolerated stay)

If you are obliged to leave Germany but cannot be deported, you will receive a certificate of suspension of deportation.

Apply for asylum

Foreigners who invoke the right of asylum (asylum seekers) must undergo a recognition procedure that is laid down in the Asylum Act.

Travel document for foreigners

If you do not have a passport or passport replacement, the Foreigners Office can issue you with a travel document for foreigners in individual cases.

Residence permit – adolescents and young adults

Tolerated persons or holders of the right of residence between the ages of 14 and 26 can receive a residence permit if they have integrated well.

Residence permit - Humanitarian reasons with protection against deportation

If you are banned from deportation under Section 60 (5) or (7) of the Residence Act, the Foreigners Office will issue you with a residence permit.

Residence permit - refugee status and travel document for refugees

If you have been recognised as a refugee under the Geneva Refugee Convention, you will receive a residence and travel permit for refugees.