Submit a declaration of commitment

If you would like to invite a person who requires a visa to visit you or allow them to stay for a long period of time, you can submit a declaration of commitment


Please note that only the following purposes of the formal obligation can be processed directly at the appointment on site:

Short-term stay up to 90 days

  • Visit

Long-term stay for more than 90 days

  • Study application
  • Study preparation with studies
  • Study preparation
  • Study programme
  • Doctorate
  • Job search after graduation
  • Language course
  • Opportunity card
  • Implementation of measures for the recognition of foreign professional qualifications

For other purposes not listed, please use the contact form and select "I have a question" and then the category: "Declaration of commitment to invite someone".

You pay for the person travelling to Switzerland:

  • All living expenses that they cannot cover themselves
  • All social benefits that the state incurs (such as for housing/care in the event of illness)
  • All costs incurred if the authorities send the person back to their home country


As a host, you must have your main place of residence in Munich and have a regular, attachable income. Your net income must be high enough (compare the tables on proof of income for visiting or studying/language course/job search)
Special feature for long-term stays: If you have a temporary residence permit for Germany, it must be valid for longer than the duration of the obligation (5 years). In addition, legal entities based in Germany can also submit a declaration of commitment (such as companies).

If you wish to submit a declaration of commitment, you must visit us in person. You will need an appointment for this, which you can arrange online. If you cannot find a free appointment immediately, you do not need to worry.
we also open up additional appointments every day on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7.30 am and on Tuesday and Thursday at 8.30 am. Please only call up the calendar from this time onwards, otherwise the appointments will not be visible to you

If you fulfil all the requirements for submitting a declaration of commitment, you can obtain this directly at your appointment.

Required documents

Inviting person:

When are the documents still up to date?

A tax assessment notice should generally not be older than 2 years. The wage or salary statement should not be older than 3 months.

Please note:

Further documents may be required in individual cases.

The following information is required from the person invited from abroad:

  • Surname, first name(s)
  • Date of birth, place of birth
  • Nationality
  • Residential address in home country
  • Copy of passport (digital form is sufficient)
  • Date of expected entry/ start of the obligation

Duration & Costs

Processing time

20 minutes


29 Euro

This includes the notarisation of the signature of the person providing the undertaking.

If a declaration of sponsorship is submitted by several sponsors, the fees must be charged according to the number of sponsors, i.e. if there are two sponsors, the fees must be paid twice.

The fees are also charged if creditworthiness cannot be proven.

Payment methods available

Questions & Answers

You must send the declaration of commitment (in the original) to the invited person. They must then present the original to the German embassy or consulate in their home country for the visa. They also need travel health insurance for Germany. They must present the original insurance certificate. Travel health insurance can be taken out abroad or by you in Germany.

A declaration of commitment can only be revoked if you find another person to take on your obligation or if the person invited proves that their livelihood is secured in another way. The Foreigners Office must be informed of the cancellation in writing. As long as the invited person is unable to provide new and sufficient financing, you are still obliged to cover the costs incurred.

The letter of guarantee is generally recognised by the German diplomatic mission abroad for up to 6 months after it is issued .

Legal basis

§ Section 66 (1), (2) AufenthG (Residence Act)
§ Section 67 AufenthG
§ Section 68 (1) AufenthG

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-21835


Ruppertstraße 19
80337 München

Room: Schnellschalter, Bereich 37, 3. Stock

Only with appointment

Related services

Tourist information

If you are a guest in Munich, we will provide you with multilingual and personalised advice on all questions relating to your visit to the City of Munich.

Stay for medical treatment - private patients and self-payers

Persons requiring treatment and their escorts from third countries who are travelling for the purpose of medical treatment may apply for a residence permit.

Stay for medical treatment - embassy patients

Critically ill patients from abroad who are cared for by their embassies or for whom the home country bears the costs can apply for a stay.