Accommodation for existing homelessness

Have you lost your flat? We can provide you with temporary accommodation and help you find a new, permanent home.


Temporary accommodation

If you fulfil the requirements, we will provide you with temporary accommodation immediately. You will be given a free bed in a municipal emergency shelter or clearing house, a boarding house or a facility run by an independent homeless aid organisation.
Women with or without children can also be accommodated in a women's refuge, a mother and child facility or a special facility for women.

Placement in permanent accommodation

If you are living in accommodation, we will support you in your search for your own home. Depending on your requirements

  • we will help you to apply for publicly subsidised housing (so-called social housing),
  • we will pay the deposit costs for flats on the open housing market,
  • suggest you for special housing programmes or transitional forms of housing.

Required documents

We need to check whether you can receive our services. For this we need from you, if available

  • Identity card or passport
  • Settlement or residence permit or EU certificate of freedom of movement
  • Maternity certificate if you are pregnant
  • Divorce decree, proof of custody
  • Proof of homelessness, for example
    • Notice to move out
    • Eviction judgement
    • Bailiff's notice of the eviction date
  • Proof of income:
    • Salary slip, payslip, bank statement
    • Proof of child benefit,
    • Notices of unemployment benefit (I, II), basic income support, social assistance, pension
    • Proof of maintenance payments that you have to make or that you receive
    • Receipts and proof of existing assets (e.g. vehicle registration certificate, savings book, deposit statement, life insurance policy, proof of home ownership)
  • Proof of your debts, e.g. loan agreement, proof of seizure, affidavit in lieu of oath
  • Current account statements for the last three months
  • Proof of other personal circumstances
  • Proof of your efforts to find a flat, hotel, guesthouse or sublet room yourself

Landeshauptstadt München

FB Wohnen und Unterbringung


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
FB Wohnen und Unterbringung

Franziskanerstraße 8
81669 München

Fax: +49 89 233-40693


Franziskanerstraße 8
81669 München

Room: 003 bis 007


  • Mon 08:00 - 12:00
    13:00 - 15:00
  • Tue 08:00 - 12:00
    13:00 - 15:00
  • Wed 08:00 - 12:00
    13:00 - 15:00
  • Thu 08:00 - 12:00
    13:00 - 15:00
  • Fri 08:00 - 12:00
  • Sat Closed
  • Sun Closed

Melden Sie sich bei der Infothek an.

Ausschließlich bei akut benötigter Unterbringung am selben Tag steht zusätzlich ein Bereitschaftsdienst am Dienstag und Donnerstag von 13 Uhr bis 15 Uhr zur Verfügung.

Außerhalb unserer Öffnungszeiten wenden Sie sich bitte an einen der anderen Notdienste für Wohnungslose.


  • Available:Barrier-free access
  • Not available:Disabled parking

Related services

Home economics counselling for indebted families

Volunteer home economics counsellors help those seeking advice on site in their households to clarify financial problems.

Debtor and insolvency counselling of the City of Munich

Counselling and help with debt and over-indebtedness, out-of-court settlements with creditors, support in applying for consumer insolvency proceedings.

Emergency services and help for homeless people

Are you homeless? Have you come across a homeless person who needs help? Here you will find an overview of contact points and emergency services in Munich.

Care, integration and accommodation of refugees

If you are homeless in Munich and have fled from another country, there is the possibility of temporary accommodation with socio-pedagogical support.


Begging is permitted outside the pedestrian zone. Anyone begging in the Old Town pedestrian zone or on the Oktoberfest grounds is liable to a fine.

Household budget counselling - FIT-FinanzTraining

If you have difficulties with your finances, FIT-FinanzTraining will support you with personalised advice on your financial situation.

Application for foundation funds - private individual in an emergency situation

Have you been living in Munich for at least a year, are in need and are in an emergency situation? Then you can apply for foundation funds.