EU Blue Card
The EU Blue Card is a residence permit for skilled workers from abroad for academic employment.
Visa procedure
If you belong to a third country ( not the EU, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland), you generally need a visa to enter the country for the purpose of employment, which must be applied for at the German diplomatic mission abroad.
The visa is not required for citizens of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America.
After entering the country
You must first register your residence at the Citizens Office.
Applying for an EU Blue Card
You must apply for an EU Blue Card before your visa/residence permit expires. If you can enter the country without a visa for this purpose, you must apply for a residence permit at the Foreigners Office within 90 days of entering the country.
Please submit the application form and the required documents online or by post. After submitting your online application, you can download a completed document as a PDF for your records. The document will confirm your application and the authorisation/continuation of your previous residence. Once we have checked your application, you will receive an appointment for a personal interview.
Period of validity
The EU Blue Card is valid for a maximum of four years. If you have an employment contract of less than four years, the EU Blue Card is valid for as long as the employment contract (plus three months).
Notification of the change of job
EU Blue Card holders must notify the relevant Foreigners Office if they change jobs during the first twelve months of employment. To do this, please send us via the online service or by post
- the notice of termination of the old employment contract,
- Your new employment contract with a detailed job description and
- the completed " Declaration of employment relationship" form
You do not need permission to change jobs and can start your new job immediately. However, the Foreigners Office can suspend the job change for 30 days and reject it within this period if the requirements for the issue of an EU Blue Card are not met with the new employment. In this case, you will receive a written declaration from the Foreigners Office about the suspension of the job change. After the first 12 months, you do not need to notify the Foreigners Office if you change jobs
- You have the following qualifications:
- You have a German university degree or
- A foreign university degree that is comparable to a German university degree (see anabin H+ for university and degree or a certificate assessment from the Central Office for Foreign Education - ZAB) or
- A tertiary educational qualification recognised in Germany at level 6 of ISCED 2011 or level 6 of the EQF (European Framework of Reference) such as master craftsperson, business administrator, technician, educator, curative education nurse (training period of at least three years, equivalent to a university degree) or
- 3 years of professional experience in the IT sector within the last 7 years as an IT specialist.
- You currently have a gross annual salary of at least 48,300 euros. Your gross salary must be at least 43,759.80 euros if the Federal Employment Agency has approved your employment and
- You work in a bottleneck occupation or
- You have obtained your university degree within the last 3 years as a young professional.
The salary limit must be reached regardless of the working time model. There is no pro rata calculation for part-time positions. The salary limits apply for the year 2025 and may change each year.
- The duration of your job offer must be at least six months.
- Your job must be appropriate to your qualifications (university degree).
- Valid visa for entry for employment with EU Blue Card (if required).
Required documents
- Fully completed application form
- Valid passport or passport substitute
- Valid visa to enter the country for the purpose of qualified employment and entry stamp (if required, only for initial application)
- Biometric passport photo(only at the appointment)
- Employment contract or a concrete job offer
- Fully completed insurance for employment(please upload together with the employment contract)
- Current and fully completed "Declaration of employment"
- In the case of an extension: Proof of salary for the first two and last two months
Qualifications (for initial application)
- University degree certificate: In the case of a foreign certificate, you must submit a certified German or English translation and an extract from anabin(H+ for university and degree) or a certificate evaluation from the ZAB for recognition
Or - Degree certificate from a tertiary education programme and recognition of the degree ( KMK certificate evaluation or anabin extract)
Or - For IT specialists without a formal qualification: Proof of at least 3 years of professional experience within the last 7 years in the IT sector and a CV
- Professional licence (for regulated professions)
Please note
Further documents may be required in individual cases.
Questions & Answers
The EU Blue Card is still valid if you leave Germany and re-enter within twelve months. This period also applies to your family members if they have a residence permit for family reasons. After 12 months, the EU Blue Card is no longer valid.
- Academic specialists in natural sciences, mathematics or engineering
- Teachers and educators
- Specialists and managers in information and communication technology
- Managers in production in the manufacture of goods, in mining and construction as well as in logistics or in the provision of specialised services (such as child or elderly care, healthcare or education, social care or at branch level in financial and insurance services)
- Doctors in the fields of human medicine, veterinary medicine and dentistry
- Specialists in environmental or occupational medicine
- Healthcare professions such as physiotherapy, dietetics, nutritional counselling, audiology, speech therapy or optometry and orthoptics
- Nursing and obstetrics specialists
- Pharmacists
In order to practise a regulated profession (e.g. medical or educational professions), a state licence to practise is mandatory. In the case of non-regulated professions (e.g. software development), however, proof that the foreign qualification is comparable to the respective German reference qualification is sufficient for practising the profession.
You can find all the information here.
You can take up temporary work if you have a gross annual salary of at least 48,300 euros.
Legal basis
EU Directive 2009/50/EC (Highly Qualified Persons Directive)
§ Section 18g Residence Act
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Service-Center für internationale Fachkräfte
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung II Bürgerangelegenheiten
Service-Center für internationale Fachkräfte
Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München
Fax: +49 89 233-44284
Ruppertstraße 19
80337 München
By appointment only
Service telephone Foreigners Office
Monday 7.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m
Tuesday 7.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m
Wednesday 7.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m
Thursday 7.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m
Friday 7.30 a.m. to 1 p.m
Public authority number Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m