Ground markings in front of driveways

The permissibility of applying road markings in front of driveways to private properties requires examination and approval by the Mobility Department.


According to Section 12 of the German Road Traffic Regulations (StVO), parking is generally prohibited in front of property entrances and exits. On narrow carriageways, the parking ban also applies on the opposite side. Current case law assumes that repeated manoeuvring is reasonable. In individual cases, the general parking ban in front of driveways can be extended or clarified with a white zig-zag marking.

The measure is subject to a charge. The application of the markings is a sovereign task and is carried out by a company commissioned by the building department.


In individual cases, the general parking ban in front of driveways can be extended or clarified with a white zig-zag marking. The following conditions apply:

  • The width of the property driveway and the width of the road are so small that access to the property is unreasonably restricted.
  • The application may only be submitted by the property owner or a property management company, but not by a tenant.
  • In the case of a double property access road, the two owners concerned must each sign a separate application.

Required documents

  • Informal written application with a description of the situation
  • Photo of the location
  • Your express declaration that you are prepared to bear the costs of the marking (declaration of assumption of costs)

Duration & Costs

Processing time

About ten weeks


You will first receive a request for payment for the authorisation and then another request for payment for the marking work:

  • Authorisation: 70 euros
  • Marking: 135 euros per running metre

Legal basis

Sign 299 Road Traffic Regulations (StVO)

Landeshauptstadt München



Postal address

Fax: +49 89 233-39868


Implerstraße 9
81371 München

Related services

Funding for charging infrastructure for electric vehicles

If you install a charging station for electric vehicles or an electric pre-installation, you can apply for a subsidy.

Nationwide parking permit for the disabled

Disabled persons with a certain degree of disability can apply for a nationwide parking permit (orange).

Personalised special parking spaces for people with disabilities

Anyone wishing to set up a personalised special parking space on public roads requires a permit to do so.

Temporary ban on stopping for removals and construction sites

If you temporarily need a free access zone, for example for removals or building site deliveries, you can apply for a temporary stopping ban.

Set up parklets

Anyone wishing to set up parklets (installations in parking bays) on public land requires a special use permit.

EU parking card for the disabled

Disabled persons can apply for an EU parking permit (light blue). This allows them to park in car parks for the severely disabled and they do not have to pay any parking fees.