Conversion of registered civil partnership into marriage

If you are in a registered civil partnership, you can have it converted into a marriage.


When you register, we will check whether the legal requirements for converting your civil partnership into a marriage are met or whether there is an impediment.

Various organisational points can also be clarified.

You can provide information on the name you wish to use in the marriage. If you already have a civil partnership name, this name will automatically become your married name. If you do not yet have a joint surname, you can choose a married name as part of the conversion.

You can order documentary evidence of the conversion of your civil partnership into a marriage in advance, which you will receive on the day of the conversion. These documents can be presented to banks and insurance companies, the tax office and, if necessary, when applying for new identity documents.

The conversion takes place as part of a ceremony in one of our wedding halls. A musical accompaniment to the ceremony is possible on request.

If you enter your address below, you will find the link to make an appointment online under the contact details of the relevant registry office.


Your civil partnership was established in Germany (in a notary's office or registry office), or your civil partnership was established abroad and subsequently notarised in the civil partnership register upon application to a domestic registry office.

The civil partnership still exists, i.e. it has not been dissolved by a court judgement or the death of one of the civil partners.

Please book an appointment to register the conversion. You must attend the relevant registry office together. Please bring all the necessary documents with you. If you do not understand German well, you can bring someone with you to interpret (publicly appointed and sworn translators).

Required documents

  • New certified printout/new certified copy from the civil partnership register (not older than 6 months) from the registry office where the civil partnership was established or registered after being established by a notary.
  • New certified printout/new certified copy from the register of births (not older than 6 months) available from the registry office of the place of birth.
  • If your main place of residence is not in Munich: Current, extended registration certificate from the registration office at your main place of residence
  • Valid passport or identity card

Duration & Costs


Free of charge

Payment methods available

Questions & Answers

If your civil partnership was concluded abroad and not subsequently notarised at a registry office in Germany, the civil partners can marry and thus become a married couple. The existing civil partnership is not an obstacle to marriage if the same persons marry each other. Please note our information on registering a marriage.

Legal basis

§ Section 17 a of the Civil Status Act

Related services

Change of name in a civil partnership

You can choose a joint surname after the civil partnership has been established or discard it again after the civil partnership has been dissolved.

Registration of a marriage

Before the marriage, the engaged couple must register their marriage at the relevant registry office.

Change in the marriage or civil partnership register

Would you like to change or correct your entry in the marriage or civil partnership register? Then you can report this online.

Initial information on marriage with a foreign connection

If one of the future spouses has a foreign connection and wishes to marry in Germany or abroad, different individual documents are required.

Certificate of no impediment to marriage

Do you want to get married abroad? Then you will need a certificate of no impediment to marriage in many countries.

Counselling and equality for LGBTIQ people

We offer counselling and information on the topics of sexual and gender identity.

Registration of a marriage with a foreign connection

If you want to get married, you must register this in advance at the relevant registry office. If you have a foreign connection, this must be taken into account.

Marriage with a foreign partner

If you want to get married in Munich but do not have a main residence or secondary residence in Munich, you must fulfil certain requirements.

Change of name after marriage or divorce

Have you got married and would like to choose a joint surname or give it up again after the marriage has ended?

Notification of a marriage contracted abroad

If German nationals have entered into a marriage or civil partnership abroad, they can have this subsequently certified in Germany.