Promotion of refurbishment standard (BEG-linked) (FKG)

If you are planning to renovate an existing residential building, you can apply for a subsidy.


Funding is available for the refurbishment of residential buildings that meet the FKG efficiency house standard(EH 55 or better or EH monument).

The subsidy rate is:

  • 20 per cent of the eligible costs in accordance with the BEG if the FKG application was submitted up to and including 18.12.2024.
  • 10 per cent of the eligible costs in accordance with the BEG if the FKG application was submitted from 19.12.2024.

The following efficiencyhousestandards canbe subsidised:

  • Refurbishment to EH 40, EH 40 EE or EH 40 NH
  • Refurbishment to EH 55, EH 55 EE or EH 55 NH
  • Refurbishment to EH Denkmal, EH Denkmal EE or Denkmal 55 NH

You can also apply for bonus measures. Please refer to the guidelines to find out which bonus measures are eligible for this measure.


All binding information can be found in the directive. Here are the most important points in brief:

The following applies in the FKG:

  • Funding is only possible for buildings within the city limits of the City of Munich.
  • The applicant is responsible for the investment costs. This means that all orders, invoices, etc. must be issued to the applicant and paid from their bank account. The funding amount is paid out exclusively to the applicant's bank account.
  • The principle of "funding application before order" applies to the application. No contract for the measure may have been awarded yet. If an order has been placed with the companies carrying out the construction work for which the application is to be made, this will prevent FKG funding!
  • Among others, building owners and equivalent persons, for example usufructuaries, are eligible to apply. Further information on the group of applicants can be found under "Questions & Answers".
  • The application must be submitted exclusively online in the municipal funding portal.

The following also applies to the refurbishment standard

  • Measures can only be subsidised for existing buildings.
  • The measure is linked to funding from the "Guidelines for Federal Funding for Efficient Buildings - Residential Buildings (BEG WG)". FKG funding is only possible if the same measures have been successfully subsidised by the federal government (BEG WG).
  • Applications can only be submitted for an entire building, not for individual residential units.
  • The use of fossil fuels (e.g. heating oil, natural gas, coal) or gaseous or liquid biomass or hydrogen leads to the exclusion of funding. Note: This does not apply to electricity from electrically driven heat pumps and SWM district heating.
  • The installation of window and door frames made of tropical wood leads to exclusion from the subsidy.

Required documents

No documents are required when submitting an application.

If the application is to be submitted by an authorised person representing the applicant, thepower of attorney form must be submitted.

After completion of the measure(s), the proof of use must be created in the funding portal and the following documents must be uploaded to the funding portal:

  • Identity document of the applicant
  • Confirmation of disbursement from KfW Bank or confirmation of the KfW repayment subsidy from your bank
  • confirmation after implementation (BnD)
  • Documentation with the evidence required for the respective efficiency class in the TMA of the federal subsidy, including calculation of the GEG and BEG requirements and energy performance certificate of the building
  • All invoices for the expenditure incurred in accordance with BnD
  • Completed form Declaration of Efficiency House in Existing Buildings
  • For homeowners' associations (WEG): Resolution of the WEG on the application to the FKG regarding the measure(s) to be applied for.

A summary of the documents to be submitted can be found in the Efficiency House in Existing Buildings checklist.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

After submitting the application and receiving the notification in the funding portal with the subject "The requested measure(s) may be commissioned", the construction measure can be implemented. The construction measures applied for must be completed and the documents (proof of utilisation) uploaded within a period of three years. An extension of the deadline from three to five years can be applied for online via the funding portal.

Applications will be processed in the order in which the proof of utilisation is received. If it is discovered during the review that documents are missing or requirements have not been met, it is possible to rectify the situation. In this case, you will receive a notification in the funding portal with a request to upload the necessary evidence within a reasonable period of time.

Once the review of an application has been completed, a notification will be issued. The funding will be paid out eight to ten weeks after receipt of the funding decision.



Questions & Answers

owners and equivalent persons (e.g. leaseholders, persons entitled to usufruct) of the property, part of the property, building or part of the building on or in which the measure is to be implemented, as well as contractors, are eligible to apply .

in the case of condominium owners' associations (WEG), the application is submitted by the property management company. The resolution of the WEG on the application to the FKG for the measure(s) to be applied for must be submitted with the proof of utilisation.

no, you do not need to submit an iSFP to receive funding for "Efficiency House in Existing Buildings". Only if you wish to receive funding for individual measures (i.e. refurbishment in several stages) is the existence of an iSFP (which fulfils the FKG criteria) a prerequisite for funding.

Similar to the regulations for BEG funding, the funding principle of "application before commissioning" does not have to be adhered to for the bonus measure "Specialist energy planning and construction supervision for BEG-linked measures". This means that specialist planning services may be commissioned before the application is submitted in the FKG. This applies to proof of use that is checked from 6 September 2024. The main measure may still not be commissioned before the application is submitted.

A breach of the funding principle "application before commission" for the main measure will result in the simultaneous rejection of the bonus measure.

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Förderprogramm Klimaneutrale Gebäude


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Förderprogramm Klimaneutrale Gebäude

Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München


Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München