Promotion of photovoltaic consulting and tenant electricity (FKG)
If you would like advice on photovoltaics or would like to implement tenant electricity, you can apply for a subsidy.
Consultancy and planning services for residential and non-residential buildings on the subject of photovoltaics are subsidised. The consultation goes beyond the mere planning of a photovoltaic system.
The funding amounts to 60 per cent of the consultancy fee and a maximum of EUR 3,000 for buildings with one to two residential units or EUR 9,000 for buildings with three or more residential units or for non-residential buildings. Depending on the applicant's entitlement to deduct input tax, the consultant's gross or net consultancy fee is eligible for funding.
Funding is also available for the installation of the metering and security system required for the implementation of tenant electricity models. Funding is granted for newly installed and existing systems in residential and non-residential buildings or structural facilities in connection with these buildings.
The subsidy amounts to 4,000 euros per newly installed transformer meter or per reconstructed house connection. If no converter meters are installed, the costs for other components of the metering and security system required to implement the tenant electricity concept or direct sales can be subsidised: maximum 80 percent of the eligible investment costs, maximum subsidy amount EUR 6,000 per photovoltaic system.
All binding information can be found in the directive. Here are the most important points in brief:
The following applies in the Climate Neutral Buildings (FKG) funding programme:
- Funding is only available for buildings within the city limits of the City of Munich.
- The applicant is responsible for the investment costs. This means that all orders, invoices, etc. must be issued to the applicant and paid from their bank account. The funding amount is paid out exclusively to the applicant's bank account.
- The principle of "funding application before order" is mandatory for the application. No contract for the measure may have been awarded yet. An order placed with the executing companies or consultants for the funding measure that is to be applied for prevents FKG funding!
- Among others, building owners and equivalent persons, such as usufructuaries, are eligible to apply. Further information on the group of applicants can be found under "Questions & Answers".
- The application must be submitted exclusively online in the municipal funding portal.
The following also applies to photovoltaic consulting:
- The basic components of a photovoltaic consultation include
- an inventory of the building situation
- the development of a concept with the presentation of variants for the dimensioning of the system, technology, cost-effectiveness, funding opportunities, etc., which take into account the requirements and needs of the person operating the system
- the use of battery storage systems, heat pumps, hot water storage tanks with heating elements, charging stations, etc.
- In addition to these basic modules, other consulting topics in connection with the installation of a photovoltaic system are eligible for funding, for example legal or tax advice, a structural analysis of existing buildings, tenant electricity advice, advice on combining photovoltaics with a green roof (dual use of space), accompanying appointments at homeowner or tenant events, preparation of an energy neighbourhood concept.
- Only consulting services that offer a comprehensive view of the possibilities of energy supply through photovoltaics are subsidised. Several buildings or house numbers that are structurally connected and owned by the same person(s) are therefore regarded as a single unit within the meaning of the FKG and must be advised in their entirety. In such cases, only one consultancy service for the entire unit is therefore subsidised.
Required documents
No documents are required when submitting an application.
If the application is to be submitted by an authorised person representing the applicant, thepower of attorney form mustbe submitted.
After completion of the measure(s), the proof of utilisation must be created in the funding portal and the following documents must be uploaded to the funding portal:
For photovoltaic counselling:
- ID document of the applicant
- Final report of the PV consultation
- Invoices with a list of the work content
- Self-declaration form for photovoltaic consultants
- If the applicant is not the building owner: Building owner's declaration of consent form
- For homeowners' associations (WEG): Resolution of the WEG on the application to the FKG regarding the measure(s) to be applied for
Thephotovoltaic consultation checklistsummarises the documents to be submitted.
For tenant electricity models (self-sufficient communities):
- Identification document of the applicant
- Invoice(s) as proof of the installed converter meters and the dismantled house connections or as proof of the investment costs for alternative components for implementing the tenant electricity concept or the concept for direct sales
- Form: List of costs for tenant electricity models
- Self-declaration form for tenant electricity models
- Proof of registration of the photovoltaic system with the Federal Network Agency
- For homeowners' associations (WEG):Resolution of the WEG on the application to the FKG regarding the measure(s) to be applied for
The checklist for tenant electricity modelssummarises the documents to be submitted.
Questions & Answers
owners and equivalent persons (e.g. leaseholders, persons entitled to usufruct) and tenants (especially of the roof area) as well as tenants of the property, part of the property, building or part of the building for which the measure is to be implementedare eligible to apply .
answer (to be added)
in the case of condominium owners' associations (WEG), the application is submitted by the property management company. The resolution of the WEG on the application to the FKG regarding the measure(s) to be applied for must be submitted with the proof of utilisation.
Engineers or electrical engineers are recognised as PV consultants if they can provide evidence of sufficient additional qualifications in the field of photovoltaics. Comprehensive further training in the field of photovoltaics or as a solar consultant, solar specialist consultant or solar technology specialist is recognised. Selective further training in a purely technical or economic sub-area is not sufficient. In accordance with the FKG, further training should ensure a sufficiently broad knowledge base for comprehensive advice. Alternatively, relevant professional experience in photovoltaics with at least 5 references can be demonstrated as an additional qualification. It is accepted if 5 references are available, even if they date back less than 3 years.
Without a degree in engineering or electrical engineering, evidence of many years of relevant professional experience in the field of photovoltaics will also be recognised (at least 10 references over 10 years).
in a "tenant electricity model" (also known as a "self-supply community"), a PV system supplies several private households or commercial users. Possible models include, for example, tenant electricity in accordance with Section 42a EnWG, shared building supply in accordance with Section 42b EnWG and other forms of self-supply.
Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Förderprogramm Klimaneutrale Gebäude
We usually answer your questions by e-mail within one to three working days.
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Förderprogramm Klimaneutrale Gebäude
Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München
Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München