Promotion of individual measures (BEG-linked) (FKG)
If you have submitted an FKG application for individual measures, you will find all the essential information for processing your application here.
Funding is available for measures on the building envelope and systems engineering of existing residential buildings as individual measures or packages of measures. The subsidy rate is 15 per cent of the eligible costs for all individual measures on the building envelope and systems technology.
Combinablebonus measures: Specialist energy planning and construction supervision for BEG-linked measures.
Since 7 May 2024, applications for individual measures can be submitted via the "Heating replacement" and "Efficiency measures" funding pillars. You can access these via the selection menu at the bottom of the page.
Old applications for individual measures between October 2022 and December 2023 remain valid.
You have submitted an application for one of the following measures:
- Insulation of the building envelope
- Replacement of windows, external doors
- Air conditioning systems with heat/cold recovery
- Digital systems for optimising operation and consumption, grid serviceability of technical systems in residential buildings "Efficiency Smart Home"
- Solar collector systems
- Heat pumps
- Building network and connection to a building or heating network
- Heating optimisation
Required documents
If the application is to be submitted by an authorised person representing the applicant, thepower of attorney form must be submitted.
Aftercompletion of the measure(s), the proof of use must be created in the funding portal and the following documents uploaded to the funding portal:
- Identity document of the applicant
- Notification of federal funding
- "Technical project report" (TPN) on the implementation of the subsidised project and the eligible costs of the federal subsidy or specialist contractor declaration
- Invoices for the expenditure incurred
- Declaration form for individual measures
- For homeowners' associations (WEG):Resolution of the WEG on the application to the FKG regarding the measure(s) to be applied for.
Thechecklist for individual measuressummarises the documents to be submitted.
Questions & Answers
The construction project must be completed within three years of submitting the application and the documents (proof of use) must be uploaded.
An extension of the deadline from three to five years can be applied for online via the funding portal.
individual measures are only subsidised if a positive funding decision has been issued for the energy-related refurbishment consultation. The applicant bears the risk of non-compliance with the stipulated funding conditions and the resulting exclusion from funding. In accordance with the previous administrative practice of the City of Munich, no funding can be granted for individual measures if the funding for the energy-related refurbishment consultation is rejected. This has always been the case in similar cases in the past.
- Do individual measures applied for in the FKG have to be implemented as described in the FKG's energy-efficient refurbishment report or can this be deviated from?
The following deviations from the individual measures applied for in the energy-related refurbishment consultation are unproblematic:
- Insignificant deviations in the content of the corresponding measure, as long as the target standard remains achievable
- Overfulfilment of the corresponding measure
- Changes to the sequence of measures
- Changes to the timing of the implementation of measures
In the FKG, the bonus for specialist energy planning and construction supervision can only be granted in connection with a package of individual measures applied for/subsidised.
A subsidy of 20 per cent of the fee costs for the service components of energy planning and construction supervision is granted. The subsidy is limited to a maximum of 1,000 euros per construction project for detached and semi-detached houses and a maximum of 400 euros per residential unit for residential buildings with three or more residential units, but limited to 4,000 euros per application.
The FKG funding for individual measures, including the bonus for specialist planning and construction supervision, can be cumulated by the City of Munich with state or federal funding for the same measure. The sum of the federal subsidy and the municipal subsidy is limited to 60 per cent of the total eligible costs for all subsidised measures. The City of Munich reserves the right to reduce the funding amount accordingly if the 60 per cent limit is exceeded.
The City of Munich does not recommend individual energy consultants. The "Deutsche Energie-Agentur", with its list of experts, is a neutral accreditation body.
In Bavaria, the "Bayerische Architektenkammer", the "Bayerische-Ingenieurkammer-Bau" and the "GIH e.V.", the association of building energy consultants in Bavaria, also offer lists of energy consultants.
Please note that when applying for funding for "Energy-related refurbishment advice", the qualification of the energy consultant must meet the requirements of the FKG guidelines.
If no energy efficiency expert was involved in the application for federal funding, no technical project certificate (TPN) needs to be submitted. In this case, the "Specialist contractor declaration for heat generation systems - heating technology" submitted to the BEG is sufficient. In this case, the form "Declaration on individual measures" or "Declaration on heating replacement" may also be signed by the applicant themselves.
Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Förderprogramm Klimaneutrale Gebäude
We usually answer your questions by e-mail within one to two working days.
Postal address
Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Klima- und Umweltschutz
Sachgebiet Förderprogramm Klimaneutrale Gebäude
Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München
Bayerstraße 28a
80335 München