BAföG - full-time advanced training (AFBG)

Anyone who undertakes full-time vocational training and fulfils the requirements of the Upgrading Training Assistance Act (AFGB) receives upgrading BAföG.


Aufstiegs-BAföG is a cash benefit that you must apply for. It is a contribution to the costs of further training and is paid partly as a grant (does not have to be repaid) and partly as a low-interest loan.

If you are undertaking the training programme full-time, you can also receive a contribution towards living expenses, which is granted as a subsidy. This depends on your income and assets. The income of your spouse/registered partner in the calendar year before last is also taken into account. Your parents' income is irrelevant. Typical advanced training programmes are, for example, master craftsman and specialist courses or teacher and technician schools.

The following can generally be funded

  • Course and examination fees/school fees (50 per cent as a grant, 50 per cent as a loan, up to a maximum of 15,000 euros)
  • Maintenance contributions (100 per cent as a grant, your income and assets are taken into account in the calculation, as is the income of your spouse/registered partner in the calendar year before last.
  • Half of the necessary material costs for the production of a masterpiece (maximum 2,000 euros, 50 per cent as a grant, 50 per cent as a loan)
  • The exam preparation phase (maximum three months after the end of the programme until the exam with 100 percent as a loan)

If you are a single parent and live in a household with a disabled child or a child under the age of 14, you will receive an additional 160 euros per month.

The application must be signed by hand. You can either send it by post, hand it in in person at the Infopoint or at the in-house letterboxes (Neuhauser Straße 39 or Marienplatz at the town hall) or upload it online using E-Ident. Please be sure to include your tax identification number. This can be found on your income tax assessment notice or on your annual income tax statement or you can enquire at the Federal Central Tax Office.

You will usually receive a loan proposal from the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) for the part of the Aufstiegs-BAföG that is not granted as a subsidy. You can then conclude a loan agreement under private law with KfW. The conditions are laid down by law. You are free to decide whether you want to make use of your loan entitlement or even take out a smaller loan than you are entitled to. KfW is legally obliged to conclude a loan agreement with you up to the approved amount (obligation to contract). If you have any further questions regarding the loan, please contact KfW yourself. You will find the contact details under "Forms and links".

Your income and assets play a role in the calculation of the Aufstiegs-BAföG.

The asset exemption limit is currently 45,000 euros

+ 2,300 euros for spouse or registered partner

+ 2,300 euros per child


The legal requirements are complex and will be checked in each case. You can enquire on the information hotline as to whether you will receive upward mobility BAföG for your further training. As a guideline, you can check the following points in advance:

  • You must have your main place of residence in Munich for the Munich Training Assistance Office to be responsible for your application.
  • Further training character: The programme must require you to have completed vocational training or have certain equivalent work experience.
  • The programme must prepare you for a public-law qualification or other equivalent qualification.
  • The programme must be designed to last at least 400 hours and must be completed within three years. They should take place on four working days with at least 25 lessons per week.
  • A private training provider requires a certificate from a recognised quality assurance system.

Required documents

  • Application forms for career advancement funding
  • Passport copy as EU citizen
  • Residence permit as a non-EU citizen

Duration & Costs

Processing time

Please submit your application at least four months before the start of the training programme for which you would like to receive AFBG benefits.

Legal basis

Upgrading Training Assistance Act (AFBG)

Landeshauptstadt München

Referat für Bildung und Sport
Amt für Ausbildungsförderung, Bußgeldstelle

If you are married (or living in a registered partnership), the income of your spouse/registered partner from the calendar year before last will also be taken into account in the calculation. In addition to your application (form A or W), please submit the form "Annex 2 to form A". You can find these forms via the link "Application forms for the exit grant" in the "Forms and links" section.


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Referat für Bildung und Sport
Amt für Ausbildungsförderung, Bußgeldstelle

Neuhauser Straße 39
80331 München

Fax: +49 89 233-83388


Neuhauser Straße 39
80331 München

Personal counselling at the Infopoint is possible again!

However, please only make an appointment for urgent matters via the online appointment system or directly with your contact person!

Opening hours of the Infopoint:

Tuesday: 1 pm to 5 pm
Thursday: 9.30 am to 12 noon, 1 pm to 4 pm
1. April to 31 October additionally:
Wednesday: 1 pm to 4 pm

Related services

BAföG - Secondary school from grade 10

Are you attending secondary school from year 10 and would like to apply for educational support?

BAföG - Berufsoberschule (BOS), grades 12 and 13

Are you attending the 12th or 13th grade of a vocational secondary school (BOS) in Munich and would like to apply for BAföG?

BAföG - Vocational school, one year

Are you attending a one-year vocational college and would like to apply for training assistance (BAföG)?

BAföG - grammar school from year 10

Are you attending grammar school from year 10 and would like to apply for educational support?

BAföG - Basic vocational training year

Are you attending the basic vocational training year and would like to apply for training assistance?

BAföG - specialised school, two to three years

Are you attending a technical college that does not require you to have completed vocational training and would you like to apply for a training grant?

BAföG - Fachoberschule (FOS)

Are you attending a specialised secondary school (FOS) and would like to apply for educational support?

BAföG - secondary school from year 10

Are you in year 10 of secondary school and would like to apply for educational support?

BAföG - Business school from grade 10

Are you attending business school from year 10 and would like to apply for educational support?

BAföG - Vocational integration class, year 2

Are you in your second year of a vocational integration class and would like to apply for training support?