Information from the trade register

Here you can apply online for a trade register enquiry.


The Munich Trade Register is maintained by the District Administration Department.

The trade register is not a public register and is not a public source of information for private individuals.

Information is possible within the framework of the following provisions.

In accordance with Article 39 BayDSG, General right to information (on Article 86 GDPR), paragraph 1, everyone has the right to information about the content of files and records of public bodies, provided that a legitimate interest not aimed at further use for a fee is credibly demonstrated and

  1. the transfer of personal data to non-public bodies is permitted and
  2. The interests of public safety and order are not impaired.

Information may be refused if

  1. Control and supervisory tasks or other public or private interests conflict with this,
  2. the request for information relates to the progress or confidential content of ongoing or completed internal consultations within the authorities or to content from documents that have not yet been finalised or to data that has not yet been processed, or
  3. a disproportionate effort is involved.

Information from the trade register contains the name, business address and the registered activity of the business.

No guarantee can be given for the accuracy and completeness of the data in the trade register.

Businesses that were deregistered before 1 May 1989 are not recorded in the IT system. Enquiries about deregistered businesses can only be answered if this is evident from the request for information.


The transmission of further data from the trade register is only permitted if you can credibly demonstrate a legal interest, in particular for the assertion of legal claims, in the data to be transmitted (by means of copies of contract documents, invoices, debt titles, enforcement orders).

Required documents

Please provide your full personal details and address.

Duration & Costs

Processing time

About two weeks


  • Individual information from the trade register: 15 euros
  • Collective information: 15 euros for the first request plus 7.50 euros for each additional request

Please note
The fee must also be paid if the business you are looking for cannot be identified, the address provided is already known or it is not possible to provide information for legal reasons.

Payment methods available

Legal basis

§ 14 Trade Regulations

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung III
Gewerbeangelegenheiten und Verbraucherschutz
Servicetelefon, Vollzug gewerberechtlicher Vorschriften


Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung III
Gewerbeangelegenheiten und Verbraucherschutz
Servicetelefon, Vollzug gewerberechtlicher Vorschriften

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-44681


Implerstraße 11
81371 München

Contact us in writing

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Information from the central trade register - natural person

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