Pension information (telephone appointment)

If you have any questions about statutory pension insurance, you can make an appointment for a telephone consultation.


We will be happy to answer your questions

  • about the type of pension (e.g. old-age pension, pension due to reduced earning capacity)
  • the start of the pension
  • the pension amount and pension payment
  • the effects of additional earnings alongside the pension
  • pension deductions and equalisation payments
  • pension calculation
  • the admissibility and justification of appeals against pension notices
  • on insurance histories and pension information, including requests to the pension provider
  • on pension contributions and subsequent payment of voluntary contributions
  • on the reimbursement of contributions

In addition to a telephone consultation, you can also arrange a personal consultation.


You must live or work in Munich.

Required documents

  • latest or current pension statement, if available
  • in addition, latest pension information, if available
  • alternatively latest insurance history, if available
  • latest payslip as a basis for extrapolations

If you already have pension documents that are to be discussed during the telephone consultation, we recommend that you send them to us in advance using the Insurance Office contact form. To do this, please select the points "Selection of the request", "On pensions in general", "Upload document" and leave us a message on the specific request in the "Text field".

Please note that further documents or information may be required in individual cases.

Duration & Costs


Free of charge

Landeshauptstadt München

Hauptabteilung III
Gewerbeangelegenheiten und Verbraucherschutz


Make appointment

Postal address

Landeshauptstadt München
Hauptabteilung III
Gewerbeangelegenheiten und Verbraucherschutz

Ruppertstraße 19
80466 München

Fax: +49 89 233-44139


Implerstraße 11
81371 München

Related services

Survivors' pension (on-site appointment)

If you would like to apply for a survivor's pension, you can make an appointment in person.

Information on survivors' pensions (telephone appointment)

If you have any questions about the surviving dependants' pension from the statutory pension insurance scheme, you can arrange a telephone consultation.

Old-age pension (on-site appointment)

If you would like to apply for your old-age pension, you can make an appointment in person.

Information on statutory health, long-term care and accident insurance

If you have any questions about statutory health, accident and long-term care insurance or severe disability, you can arrange a personal consultation.

Waiting period information from the statutory pension insurance scheme

For your naturalisation or settlement permit, you can apply for proof of months of contributions to the statutory pension insurance scheme.

Objection to the pension

If you would like to lodge an appeal against decisions made by your pension insurance company, you can arrange a personal consultation appointment.

Survivors' pension (telephone appointment)

If you would like to apply for a survivor's pension, you can make an appointment by telephone.

Reduced earning capacity pension (on-site appointment)

If you would like to apply for your reduced earning capacity pension, you can arrange a personal appointment.

Contribution reimbursement from pension insurance

If you would like to apply for a premium refund, you can make an appointment in person.

Account clarification

If you live or work in Munich, you can contact the KVR insurance office to clarify your account.